Standards for Teacher Librarians

ATSIL Standards and Australian School Library Association (2015) Evidence guide for teacher librarians in the proficient career stage.

Ways in which I could use one of the Evidence guides:

Use the standards as a guide to:

  • Better engage with students and staff
  • Develop programs or strengthen existing programs and/or procedures to enhance teaching and learning experiences
  • Increase accessibility of information for all students and their needs
  • Engage in PD opportunities
  • Develop my annual professional plans and ensure they align to the standards
  • Develop units of work and lessons
  • Develop policy relating to information retrieval and use
  • Engage and collaborate with the school community and other curriculum areas
  • Be a visible and valuable entity within the school community

As Karen Bonanno stated in her keynote address, these standards can be used develop a five-finger plan to success (CSU-SIS Learning Centre, 2011). Ultimately, TLs need to ensure their programs and services are relevant and in alignment with the necessary standards. These strategies will help to assist in promoting the library and TLs and to ensure TLs are meeting the same standards as required by all teachers nationwide.



CSU-SIS Learning Centre (Poster). (2011, October 23). ASLA 2011. Karen Bonanno, keynote speaker: A profession at the tipping point: Time to change the game plan [Video file]. Retrieved from


[Forum Reflection: Module 3.1]