Information Literacy and my IL role

There is a need for a consistent approach to information literacy across the school and the TL is in an ideal position to assist and collaborate in the development and implementation of such a model. As much of the research suggests (Langford, 1998; Bruce, Edwards, & Lupton, 2007), when implementing an appropriate IL model, context and purpose must be taken into consideration. I agree with Lupton (2004) in that IL is an approach to learning. I believe IL to be the catalyst for deep and meaningful learning. When seeking and using information, IL assists in the process and in developing understanding of the material. The six frames seem to be suitable for different contexts of information learning; depending on the needs of the learner. For example, the Competency Frame takes on a behaviourist approach, whereby a set of competencies are taught at a particular time in response to a particular need. In Forum 5.2_2, Watterson (2017) highlights in her experience in primary education, these students need a skills-based approach to master basic IL skills before moving onto higher order skills in later years.

The Frame that sits most comfortably with me is the Learning to Learn Frame, as it is constructivist in nature and an approach that I believe is most useful and relevant to enhancing student engagement and learning. However, as mentioned earlier, all frames have their use and place in IL, so I also find the Relational Frame very interesting as a way of bringing together different approaches; content and experiences. Ultimately, it makes the most sense to make use of different frames to meet different needs. I thought this section of Bruce, Edwards and Lupton’s (2007) reading was really poignant: “Being encouraged to experience information literacy in a range of increasingly complex ways will mean that students have a broader repertoire upon which to draw with each situation where they are learning through finding and using information” (p. 54).

Bruce, Edwards and Lupton (2007) also identify the need to be explicit in our IL instruction and not assume that students know how to write an argument or find relevant information; therefore, we must explicitly teach the task words as part of IL instruction. So that students can achieve, we need to set them up for success by being explicit in our expectations. As IL specialists, we also need to address a range of different skills needed to be IL; including assessing the validity of sources. Bruce, Edwards and Lupton (2007) suggest there is a need to go beyond a web evaluation checklist, to highlight the level of writing or sophistication of sources (p. 53). There is a need for students to make use of a variety of reliable sources; therefore, there is a need for students to be able to assess the written quality of sources. Student evaluation of sources should include the “surface signs of authority” and the “ideas, opinions and perspectives apparent in the source and the quality, style and tone of the writing” (Bruce, Edwards & Lupton, 2007, p. 53). In my IL role, I could embed these different frames into an IL process for my students and into learning experiences, so that students can experience the process firsthand. I will need to work closely with my colleagues to develop an IL model that provides authentic contexts, relevant applications and/or issues, ongoing assessment, innovative learning experiences, and embedded information literacy skills (Abilock, 2017).



Abilock, D. (2015). Information literacy. Building blocks of research: Overview of design process and outcomes. NoodleTools. Retrieved from

Bruce, C., Edwards, C., & Lupton, M. (2007). Six frames for information literacy education. In S. Andretta (Ed.). Change and challenge: Information literacy for the 21st century. Blackwood, SA: Auslib Press. eBook, CSU Library Reserve.

Langford, L. (1998). Information literacy: A clarification. School Libraries Worldwide, 4(1), 59-72. Retrieved from

Lupton, M. (2004). The learning connection: Information literacy and the student experience. Adelaide: Auslib Press.

Watterson, S. (2017, April 28). Forum 5.2_2 Information literacy [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from


[Reflection: Module 5.2]

What does it mean to be literate in the 21st century?

New Literacies Word Cloud
New Literacies Word Cloud.

Being literate in the 21st century involves a wide range of skills in a wide range of contexts. Literacy encompasses the ability to participate fully in a range of situations including social and digital realms. It has transformed from the basic skills and understanding of reading and writing, to a tool, which is a means to participate in the technological society of the 21st century (Tompkins, Campbell, Green & Smith, 2015, p. 3). New literacies must respond to changes in the information landscape; therefore, literacy and technology can be seen to be interlinked in many ways. Tompkins, Campbell, Green and Smith (2015) posit technology has, and will continue to, transform literacy instruction. New literacies provide “sophisticated technological ways to read and write multimodal texts incorporating words, images and sounds – that provide opportunities for students to create innovative spaces for making meaning, exploring their worlds and voicing their lives” (Tompkins, Campbell, Green & Smith, 2015, p. 3). To be literate in the 21st century, Tompkins, Campbell, Green and Smith (2015) suggest students must become “proficient in new ways of accessing, comprehending and communicating information” (p. 8). Students must have a litany of skills to draw upon when necessary. These skills align with the traditional information literacy skills; however, students are required to use these in more dynamic and adaptable ways. Leu, Kinzer, Coiro and Cammack (2004) suggest that these “new literacies change regularly as technology opens new possibilities for communication and information” (p. 1). Therefore, with changes in social communication and new forms of media, literacy skills must also adapt. Sweeny (2010) supports this as she states “the current information and communication technologies (ICTs) are fundamentally changing the ways in which youth today read, write and communicate” (p. 121). The key to navigating the new world of literacies are the skills of searching for and locating useful information. Students also need new reading comprehension skills to support the retrieval of valid and meaningful information (Henry, 2006). Henry (2006) states “as new technologies increasingly become a part of classroom lessons, teachers are discovering that many students do not possess the new literacy skills required to successfully read and write with the many new technologies that regularly appear in today’s world” (p. 615). Henry (2006) also suggests a significant barrier to locating relevant information is the inability to successfully navigate search results on the Internet because a particular set of reading comprehension skills are required when using the Internet (p. 615). Students require skills in identifying important questions, locating information, critically evaluating information, synthesising information and communicating answers (Henry, 2006, p. 616). Being literate in the 21st century involves a multitude of skills concerning social, environmental, digital, and traditional literacies and will continue to evolve in response to our information needs.



Henry, L. A. (2006). Searching for an answer: The critical role of new literacies while reading on the internet. The Reading Teacher, 59(7), 614-627. Retrieved from

Leu, Jr., D. J., Kinzer, C. K., Coiro, J. L., & Cammack, D. W. (2004). Toward a theory of new literacies emerging from the Internet and other information and communication technologies. In N. J. Unrau & R. B. Ruddell (Eds.), Theoretical models and processes of reading (5th ed.) (pp. 1570-1613). Retrieved from

Sweeny, S. M. (2010). Writing for the instant messaging and text messaging generation: Using new literacies to support writing instruction. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 54(2), 121-130. Retrieved from

Tompkins, G., Campbell, R., Green, D., & Smith, C. (2015). Literacy for the 21st century: A balanced approach. Retrieved from



Reflection: Opportunities for collaboration

I have recently come across Eschler’s (2016) study of the collaboration behaviours of Finnish teachers – I found it was a great read. Eschler’s (2016) findings support the ascertain that the quality and effectiveness of Finnish teachers has greatly contributed to Finland’s educational success (p. 14). Ultimately, he found that Finnish teachers have two common principles that have contributed to their success; collaboration and autonomy. Regarding collaboration, Finnish teachers demonstrate three collaboration behaviours; sharing information and knowledge, planning, and problem-solving (Eschler, 2016). Out of his study, 95% of teachers indicated that they engaged in all three of these behaviours and teachers believed these to be interconnected (Eschler, 2016). His conclusions indicate that teachers engage in both formal and informal collaboration structures and collaborate in a variety of ways for different purposes. Teachers are also not confined to collaboration just within their departments. Effective collaboration occurs across the school and with and between most teachers.

Many other articles have also posited the importance of student and teacher autonomy in enhancing outcomes and education systems.

The Guardian: How Finnish schools shine

Forbes: Finland offers lessons for building student, teacher autonomy


So, my thoughts on collaboration:

What possibilities could arise for collaboration between teachers and teacher librarian?

  • The need for PD and shared learning to stay abreast of new pedagogical approaches and/or technology.
  • Planning and reflecting on programs.
  • Setting short and long-term goals for departments and wider school community.
  • Organising school events e.g. Literature Festival and/or book fare.
  • Organising guest speakers and other events.

In what ways could I begin to develop collaboration with teachers in my school?

  • Work with teachers to develop inquiry units of work.
  • Work with teachers to develop teaching and assessment material; including, Assignment Help Pages, source sheets, collaborative group work activities.
  • Offer PD opportunities for teachers.
  • Work with Learning Enrichment teachers to develop strategies that assist student learning; including digital support such as, text-to-speech software and Learning Tools in OneNote.



Eschler, B. H. (2016). Finnish teacher collaboration: The behaviors, learning, and formality of teacher collaboration. Retrieved from

Reflection: Pedagogical Initiatives

Critical Thinking Community MCEETYA four-year plan 2009 – 2012

Provides resources that link critical thinking strategies with curriculum.

Great practical strategies for enhancing teaching practice; therefore, learning experiences. I will be using this and referring back regularly. They are great reminders of effective teaching practice.

Also, the website provides a glossary of critical thinking terms, which will be very helpful for me as a teacher when planning and developing tasks and for students, so they can better understand the expectations of a task.



Ensure students are actively engaged by employing these strategies when asking students to contribute their ideas:

1.     Summarise or put into their own words what the teacher or another student has said.

2.     Elaborate on what they have said.

3.     Relate the issue or content to their own knowledge and experience.

4.     Give examples to clarify or support what they have said.

5.     Make connections between related concepts.

6.     Restate the instructions or assignment in their own words.

7.     State the question at issue.

8.     Describe to what extent their point of view on the issue is different from or similar to the point of view of the instructor, other students, the author, etc.

9.     Take a few minutes to write down any of the above.

10.  Write down the most pressing question on their mind at this point. The instructor then uses the above tactics to help students reason through the questions.

11.  Discuss any of the above with a partner and then participate in a group discussion facilitated by the instructor.

The MCEETYA four-year plan outlines the strategies the Australian and state and territory governments will undertake to meet the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (2008).

This document really focuses on the development of the individual student. It provides holistic learning and development goals by linking back to the 2008 Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians.

This document helps to provide links to the Third Space of student’s learning, as it encourages stronger connections between learning institutions and students’ lives.

The document also provides recommendations to ensure quality teaching and leadership.

For each aspect MCEETYA outlines their role in the enhancement strategy.



Agreed strategies and actions for supporting senior years of schooling and youth transitions:

·       providing stimulating and relevant experiences, excursions and school-community links for senior years’ students

·       ensuring all students have access to quality support, information and advice to facilitate access to further education, training, careers, and employment options

·       enabling more rural and remote young people to participate in higher education programs



Foundation for Critical Thinking. (2015). The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved from

MCEETYA. (2009). MCEETYA four-year plan, 2009-2012. Retrieved from

Reflection: Are school librarians an endangered species?

New York Public Library. (2008). Work with schools, teachers’ reference room: a teacher find… [Photograph]. Retrieved from
After viewing Karen Bonanno’s keynote address, the take home message I received is that school librarians are endangered if you allow them to be (CSU-SIS Learning Centre, 2011). Bonanno spoke of the need to upskill and the need to use opportunities and take advantage of initiatives in the education system. Rather than seeing change as a threat, we (as TLs) must interpret the information (curriculum documents, government policy and findings) to find connections with our role and the services we can offer and see these opportunities as the potential for growth and to be visible and valuable members of the school community.



CSU-SIS Learning Centre (Poster). (2011, October 23). ASLA 2011. Karen Bonanno, keynote speaker: A profession at the tipping point: Time to change the game plan [Video file]. Retrieved from


Reflection: You Can’t Hack a Paperback

I stumbled across this clip from The Gruen Transfer’s The Pitch segment while I was reading about digital texts and the reliability of online sources. It would be a great clip to show student’s about reliability of sources and perhaps a good segway into discussion about Wikipedia.


The Gruen Transfer (Creator). GruenHQ (Poster). (2013, August 8). The Pitch: Paper books (you can’t hack a paperback: protect history) [Video file]. Retrieved from

Reflection: Availability and Access

Udithawix. (2015). Scrolling down [Photograph]. Retrieved from
The ramifications of having ready access to information at all times can be both positive and negative. One positive effect is it allows the user to access information at their leisure, so is more flexible than before. According to the ABS, 86% of households have access to the internet at home, which is up 3% from 2012-13 (2016). Additionally, findings concluded “most households who accessed the internet did so through a desktop or laptop computer (94%), followed by households who accessed via mobile or smart phones (86%) and households who accessed via tablets (62%)” (ABS, 2016). Therefore, the ease in which we access information has rapidly increased with developing technology. This also demonstrates a third benefit from ready access to information, which is the wide variety of viewpoints and modes of communication that are available. This can assist in creating more rounded conclusions when conducting research and/or broaden the user’s perceptions of a topic.

On the other hand, having ready access to information 24/7 can have detrimental effects. It becomes difficult to “switch off” and disconnect from the world of technology and communication. Therefore, it can negatively affect the user’s work-life balance, which in my case includes study-work-life balance. Just as I have been writing this reflection I have received nine emails (a combination of personal and work-related), one university announcement (no emails as of yet, which is unusual), and a number of alerts or notifications. Compared to other days of the week, this is relatively quiet. This may be due to Monday being my day off work, so my colleagues and Head of Department are very conscious not to have any work-related communication with me on these days unless absolutely necessary. Another negative affect can be the difficulty in navigating through so much information to find the most relevant source. It can also be difficult and time consuming to assess the credibility, accuracy and reliability of a source.

These all have ramifications for me and my capacity to study this subject. Some aspects of being part of a connected world will assist me in my studies, while other aspects can affect my productivity and the effectiveness in which I complete the course. I will need to use discernment when accessing online resources and I will need to set clear guidelines and goals when completing my study, so as not to get caught down the rabbit hole which is 24/7 access to information.


Australian Bureau of Statistics (2016). Household use of information technology, Australia: 2014-15 (cat. No. 8146.0). Retrieved from

Reflection: Digital Information

Osccarr. (2011). Bonito iceberg al fondo [Photograph]. Retrieved from
Deep Web: The Deep Web lies between the Surface Web (Google and other public search engines and domains) and the Dark Web (which is a small portion of the Deep Web and is the scarier, more sinister side where sites such as Silk Road live). According to BrightPlanet “the Surface Web is anything that a search engine can find while the Deep Web is anything that a search engine can’t find” (2014, para. 6). This includes government databases, libraries, and intranets. These are sites that a user must have a log-in or account for or paid subscription to access.

A great video that explains the deep and dark webs:

LEMMiNO (Creator). (2016, July 2). The dark side of the web [Video file]. Retrieved from

Internet2: Internet2 is a research collective based in the United States, which works to solve the problems of technology and the internet in the current realm and develop the technologies and internet of the future. It is a consortium of research and education organisations which develops major innovations in the digital world. It is a collection of high performance networks that allow interaction which is not possible on the internet (The Regents of the University of Michigan, 2016).



BrightPlanet. (2014). Clearing up confusion: Deep web vs. dark web. Retrieved from

The Regents of the University of Michigan. (2016). Internet2. Retrieved from

Reflection: Artificial Intelligence

I think the phrase “the tool is directing the user” means that new developments in technology have created easier navigation for the user. AI predicts how people might want or need to use technology in the digital environment; thus, completing some of the task or thinking for the user. This may range from simple tools such as spell check to more complex tools such as a search engine. Microsoft has recently released two major updates for Office, which incorporate the use of AI. This includes a huge improvement to the way in which the spell check works by including suggestions to reduce wordiness and correct word choice errors and the ability to cite with more ease, as the program predicts the most appropriate citation for certain references (Lopez, 2016). These tools direct the path the user takes rather than the user directing the path. A look at Google’s Inside Search interactive story gives an overview of how the search engine works and how algorithms have enhanced the results people receive when searching. This may enhance results but it hasn’t necessarily enhanced people’s skills of searching. Is AI doing the hard thinking for us?

Google have recently introduced another AI element to their search tool. According to Wired senior staff writer, Cade Metz, this new approach is called deep learning and it is revolutionising the way in which people interact with technology (2016). Many forms of technology, programs and/or software were once reserved for those in positions of authority or the very tech savvy. Nowadays these technologies are more user-friendly than ever. Google has developed this new way of enhancing their search results by building neural nets, which is more sophisticated than the algorithms built by their human employees. With this embedded AI in search engines, the user loses some control over the path they take and their results but according to Metz “Google believes, the benefits outweigh that sacrifice” (2016).

Click to view the Interactive: How Google Search Works

Google’s self-learning AI is the next level of this technology. Deep Mind has developed AI technology for general use in a range of contexts.

ColdFusion TV (Creator). ColdFusion (Poster). (2016, May 1). Google’s deep mind explained! – Self learning A.I [Video file]. Retrieved from



Lopez, N. (2016). Microsoft is using AI to give Office spell-check on steroids and much more. Retrieved from

Metz, C. (2016). AI is transforming Google Search: The rest of the web is next. Wired. Retrieved from

Reflection: Information Theory

What is information?

I have not ever considered this question to be so complex. To me, information had always been messages, facts, data, words, symbols and insight needed to develop understanding about a particular thing or to inform and make a decision or draw a conclusion. I generally see this definition as still relevant but I can also see there are other aspects to information that can add to my understanding of this term. Case examines Bateson’s definition of information and concludes that “information is whatever appears significant to a human being” (2006, p.40). So, information exists or has the potential to exist in everything but, crucially, someone must be engage with it for it to be information. It is not information until someone engages with it. Case’s example, “if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to see it, then it conveys no information”, is an effective way of describing information as a broader concept rather than a stagnant definition. As it is so broad, it is difficult to pinpoint one true definition. I agree that information as a concept is a more suitable explanation, as information is different for a variety of professions and people. Much like language and the meaning of messages, I agree with Cornelius in that information is also a social construct, which adds to a person’s understanding and interpretation of a situation or their world (2004). The values and lived experiences that people bring to interpret information and develop understanding effect the existence and meaning of information.

I can clearly see how Buckland’s three categories of information, information-as-process, information-as-knowledge and information-as-thing, relate to the role of a TL and how a TL can use and address these senses of information (Case, 2006, p.44). I think information in these forms exists within school libraries. I feel that students often take in information passively (so, is it information in this instance? Maybe just to teacher or instructor who sees the purpose). As TLs, we need to use strategies to develop the skills of our students and other staff members, to actively engage with information in a critical and useful way.


Case, D. O. (2006). Looking for Information: A Survey of Research on Information Seeking, Needs, and Behavior. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Retrieved from

Cornelius, I. (2004). Information and its philosophy. Library Trends, 52(3), 377-386.