Algorithms Rule the World: Its time to get SCRAPpy

Image of a conceptual computer algorithm. Neon green data lines running vertically down a projected screen in a black room.

The ability to read and interpret information is a fundamental skill needed to participate fully in the world. These basic skills (although actually quite complex) will continue to be as important, if not more, than the past. The information-rich world is expanding; however, algorithms are filtering the information we see. So, people’s values and beliefs are consistently reinforced, while other perspectives are left out or buried on page 3 of Google search results – an equally ominous fate. In turn, this leads to confirmation bias, which can be detrimental to those who cannot critically evaluate what they are experiencing and reading.

Algorithms present users with a calculated selection of “relevant” information; however, it is clear that users must develop and employ the necessary skills to work within these algorithms. The top search results are not always the most useful. Searchers must not ignore the other titbits of information such as Google’s snippets displayed under each search result. While Google can change the snippet from the meta description of the webpage to their own algorithmically determined snippet (Silver Smith, 2013), it is still a useful port of call that many searchers skip over. This allows savvy searchers to preliminarily assess the relevance and worth of the search results – which are not always at the top of the page (Wineburg & McGrew, 2017). But algorithms are not the only cause of confirmation bias. Ashrafi-Amiri & Al-sader (2016) suggest searchers’ assumptive search queries based on fact retrieval and verification will characteristically retrieve more bias results than if the query were non-assumptive; that is, knowledge acquisition, comparative, analytical, and exploratory in nature. Information literacy instructors must be aware of this and consider this when developing instruction for students.

TLs must address the critical thinking skills required to work with and within algorithms that reinforce bias. Maynes (2015) identifies the role of information literacy instructors in explicitly teaching students about the forms of bias, ways to identify their own bias, and skills to mitigate the potential effects of their bias. This involves teaching the metacognitive skills students need to not only know the strategies to use but how, when and why to use them (Maynes, 2015). A combination of lateral and vertical reading is useful in all information evaluation situations. While many libraries utilise a CRAP (Currency, Reliability, Authority, Purpose/Point of View) test to step students through the information evaluation process, other steps can also be considered so students tune into their metacognition and identify their bias (Wineburg & McGrew, 2017). Allan (2017) suggests incorporating some form of personal reflection into the information literacy sessions offered to students. Students must not only be taught that confirmation bias exists, they must also be taught the skills to identify it in themselves and to deal with it when it occurs. One such strategy is to identify when a source of information elicits an emotional response from the reader – Does it make you happy? Sad? Reinforce? Challenge? Developing self-regulation triggers the reader to seek additional information and reflection to consider the opposite or alternate (Hirt & Markman, 1995; Lord, Lepper, & Preston, 1984; Mussweiler, Strack, & Pfeiffer, 2000). This requires information searchers to reflect on their reactions at each step and consider whether their evaluation of the usefulness or credibility of the source would be the same if it presented the opposing viewpoint. Deliberately considering the opposing viewpoint requires the searcher to consider their bias and the bias of others. This is a powerful strategy in unveiling subconscious or hidden bias. Allan (2017) posits adding an S (Self-examination or Self-awareness) to the beginning of the CRAP test would highlight the importance of identifying and recognising cognitive and confirmation bias.

SCRAP it: Source evaluation process.
SCRAP it: Source evaluation process.

The importance of slowing down the information evaluation process by thinking effortfully and deliberately (Kahneman, 2011) and evaluating laterally (Wineburg & McGrew, 2017) is central to 21st century information and digital literacy. Evaluating laterally requires searchers to seek and consider context and perspective, which means they must seek additional information. Slowing down does not simply mean taking longer to read the article and its parts – it means careful and deliberate consideration and slowing your judgement by first taking your bearings and exploring laterally. This may mean to first leave the site or visit the About Us section to find out more about the author or the organisation, before navigating back to the original source (Wineburg & McGrew, 2017). Thinking laterally can occur in multiple stages of the CRAP test, particularly when assessing the reliability and purpose/point of view present in the source. Searchers will need to explore other sites to learn more about the information. While searchers will not always slow down and employ lateral reading, it is important to know when to slow down. High stakes situations where the searcher may possess a strong bias already or where the information may have significant consequences for the searcher or others, or a highly contested issue or topic may require more deliberate reasoning to ensure the searcher is acquiring balanced, truthful information (Maynes, 2015). Considering the opposite is another practical strategy to employ in these situations.

It is clear that information evaluation and digital literacy skills need to evolve with changing demands and issues within the information landscape. Information literacy instructors must stay abreast of these changes and adapt evaluation strategies as needed. A start might be to model and incorporate lateral reading into existing strategies and follow Allan’s (2017) suggestion and put that S at the beginning of CRAP.



Allan, M. (2017). Information literacy and confirmation bias: You can lead a person to information, but can you make him think? Informed Librarian Online, 2017(5). Retrieved from

Ashrafi-Amiri, N. & Al-sader, J. (2016). Effects of confirmation bias on web search engine results and a differentiation [Thesis]. Retrieved from

Hirt, E.R., & Markman, K.D. (1995). Multiple explanation: A consider-an-alternative strategy for debiasing judgments. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69(6), 1069– 1086.

Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Lord, C. G., Lepper, M. R., & Preston, E. (1984). Considering the opposite: A corrective strategy for social judgment. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 47(6), 1231-1243.

Mussweiler, T., Strack, F., & Pfeiffer, T. (2000). Overcoming the inevitable anchoring effect: Considering the opposite compensates for selective accessibility. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26(9),1142–1150.

Silver Smith, C. (2013). Influencing how Google displays your page description. Retrieved from

Wineburg, S. & McGrew, S. (2017). Lateral reading: Reading less and learning more when evaluating digital information [Report]. Retrieved from

Reflection: Pedagogical Initiatives

Critical Thinking Community MCEETYA four-year plan 2009 – 2012

Provides resources that link critical thinking strategies with curriculum.

Great practical strategies for enhancing teaching practice; therefore, learning experiences. I will be using this and referring back regularly. They are great reminders of effective teaching practice.

Also, the website provides a glossary of critical thinking terms, which will be very helpful for me as a teacher when planning and developing tasks and for students, so they can better understand the expectations of a task.



Ensure students are actively engaged by employing these strategies when asking students to contribute their ideas:

1.     Summarise or put into their own words what the teacher or another student has said.

2.     Elaborate on what they have said.

3.     Relate the issue or content to their own knowledge and experience.

4.     Give examples to clarify or support what they have said.

5.     Make connections between related concepts.

6.     Restate the instructions or assignment in their own words.

7.     State the question at issue.

8.     Describe to what extent their point of view on the issue is different from or similar to the point of view of the instructor, other students, the author, etc.

9.     Take a few minutes to write down any of the above.

10.  Write down the most pressing question on their mind at this point. The instructor then uses the above tactics to help students reason through the questions.

11.  Discuss any of the above with a partner and then participate in a group discussion facilitated by the instructor.

The MCEETYA four-year plan outlines the strategies the Australian and state and territory governments will undertake to meet the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (2008).

This document really focuses on the development of the individual student. It provides holistic learning and development goals by linking back to the 2008 Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians.

This document helps to provide links to the Third Space of student’s learning, as it encourages stronger connections between learning institutions and students’ lives.

The document also provides recommendations to ensure quality teaching and leadership.

For each aspect MCEETYA outlines their role in the enhancement strategy.



Agreed strategies and actions for supporting senior years of schooling and youth transitions:

·       providing stimulating and relevant experiences, excursions and school-community links for senior years’ students

·       ensuring all students have access to quality support, information and advice to facilitate access to further education, training, careers, and employment options

·       enabling more rural and remote young people to participate in higher education programs



Foundation for Critical Thinking. (2015). The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved from

MCEETYA. (2009). MCEETYA four-year plan, 2009-2012. Retrieved from