Digital Fluency and Third Space

Digital literacy must be embedded across the curriculum to enhance student participation in learning and garner outcomes that will support their current and future learning endeavours. Embedded digital literacy, and to the next level digital fluency, encourages teachers to consider how technology will be used to enhance learning, and encourages students to apply their pre-existing digital knowledge to new and novel learning experiences (Hague & Payton, 2010). To effectively embed these practices, teachers can use a model such as Kuhlthau’s Guided Inquiry Design (Kuhlthau, Caspari, & Maniotes, 2015) or Stripling’s (2010) Model of Inquiry, which require students to practice core digital literacy skills while promoting third space interactions.

Tapping into available technologies and connecting to students’ third space enables constructivist learning that is holistic (cross-curricular), situated and authentic, and inquiry-based where students are active producers and evaluators. These experiences enable students to develop crucial 21st century skills that are required to effectively adapt to changing environments. This combination of declarative, procedural and critical skills enhances higher-order thinking and acquisition of deep understanding (Wheeler & Gerver, 2015). Embedded digital literacy practices through student-centred learning experiences are also likely to strengthen students’ digital fluency, as these experiences require students to use digital technologies strategically to communicate, connect, collaborate, consume, produce, share, evaluate, model and manage (Couros, 2012).

Venn diagram illustrating two overlapping circles to show students first space (home life) in the left circle connecting with students' second space (formal schooling and curriculum) in the right circle, which creates students' third space in the centre overlapping segment. This third space is useful in developing students' high-order understanding and constructivist learning.
Students’ third space is activated when strategies are put in place to connect students’ first and second spaces.


Couros, A. (2012, January 18). Towards digital fluency [Slideshow]. Retrieved from

Kuhlthau, C. C., Caspari, A. K., & Maniotes, L. K. (2015). Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century (2nd Ed.). Santa Barbara, California: Libraries Unlimited. Retrieved from EBSCOHost

Stripling, B. (2010). Teaching students to think in the digital environment: Digital literacy and digital inquiry. School Library Monthly, 26(8), 16-19. Retrieved from

Wheeler, S., & Gerver, R. (2015). Learning with ‘e’s: Educational theory and practice in the digital age. Retrieved from ProQuest Ebook Central.


[Reflection: Module 2.2]

Digital Learning Environments

Below is a visual summary of Digital Learning Environments according to Veletsianos (2016). It was very interesting to read about the different perspectives of guided vs. unguided instruction thus, differing opinions on inquiry learning – those for and those against. I see the majority of technology, networks and communities present in schools are highly controlled and restrictive, due to privacy, legal, and ethical issues surrounding duty of care. Many schools shut down the use of social networking platforms such as Facebook to prevent student distraction during the school day. While a legitimate concern (considering the adverse effects of screen time for children and young people although, this in itself is contentious), it is limiting the ways that teachers can connect to students’ third-space and provide opportunities for valuable connectivist experiences. While hierarchical groups have their place in the school learning ecology, networks seem to have the ability to provide more authentic learning and connecting experiences. This highlights the need for digital citizenship to be embedded in teaching and learning activities to open up the digital learning environment while providing opportunities for students to effectively, efficiently, ethically and justly work within digital contexts in ways that transform the learning experience. As suggested by Brewer (2018), rather than banning smart technology and forcing unethical and unproductive digital behaviours underground, schools should be engaging with this technology and promoting digital citizenship in meaningful ways that connect to the third-space and promote positive digital behaviours.


Brewer, J. (2018). Don’t ban smartphones in Australian high schools: Here’s why (and what we can do instead). Retrieved from

Veletsianos, G. (2016). Digital Learning Environments. Retrieved from


[Reflection: Module 1.0a]

21st century learning and inquiry

21st century skills can be defined in what seems to be an infinite number of ways. Ultimately, what the definitions have in common are specific skills, process or traits learners require to work and live effectively now and into the future. These include learning skills (4 Cs), literacy skills, and life skills (Thoughtful Learning, 2017). 21st century skills, specifically the 4 C’s, are crucial in the current education climate. Rather than outcomes-based, content-driven curriculum, we see the majority of senior syllabus documents reference and require students to work through inquiry processes, while a minority require a problem-based process. Either way, these processes require students to commit to and utilise the 4 C’s – communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity (Partnership for 21st Century Learning, 2017a). The stages of the inquiry process as outlined by Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (2018) identify reflection as a central cog, constantly interacting with the processes of forming, finding, analysing, and evaluating. Within the overarching inquiry process, students can collaborate to form their inquiry and find valid and reliable evidence, critically analyse, interpret and evaluate their findings, while communicating their ideas. Throughout the entire process students must reflect creatively to try new approaches and revise their process. TLs also work with the general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities to meet national requirements and embed these practices into learning experiences.


The role of the library in this 21st century space

TLs and school libraries can play a key role in supporting schools in their 21st century endeavours. Taking insight from Partnership for 21st Century Learning’s (2017b) framework, planning for 21st century learning environments involves the following considerations, assessment and accountability, leadership and culture, learning, teaching and professional learning, and infrastructure. TLs provide leadership in learning and professional development and provide environments that nurture 21st learning activities. Furthermore, through collaboration TLs can work across the school network to ensure high-quality assessment is offered and the school program is meeting accountability measures. Currently, with the incoming senior curriculum, our library is supporting the Deputy of Teaching and Learning to map the cognitive verbs across all year levels. The intent is to upskill students in these cognitive processes and ingrain the metalanguage in all years in preparation for the skills required of the senior program. We are using software to record the skills across subject areas and year levels and will then assess gaps and opportunities. Additionally, through our work with Assignment Help Pages and curation of assignment support material, we collaborate with teachers on the development of assessment items. We assist teachers to ensure the assessment aligns with the required achievement outcomes, standard elaborations, and cognitive verbs and where appropriate through a process of inquiry. We support the Centre for Learning Enrichment to develop formative and summative tasks suitable for a variety of learning needs and curate resources to support these specific learning needs. The library environment can also work as a place for this learning, collaboration and assessment to occur. Library spaces should be flexible, engaging, and conducive to 21st century learning. The availability of a range of resources including staff, technology, print resources, and flexible seating areas allows students and teachers to work in more dynamic ways than a traditional classroom. Elliott (2010) describes this type of library as a Learning Commons, whereby students can enquire, create, collaborate and explore. But what’s in a name? Does the name need to be the defining factor? A library can be a learning commons, a place for staff and students to come together and further their learning experiences, without the need for a name change. It’s far more important for the principles and vision to be clear and enacted than for a new name and no action. After all, we want students to go out into the world and engage with libraries beyond the school setting. They need to know that libraries are learning commons and neither are exclusive or separate entities. Nevertheless, sometimes a name change automatically changes perceptions – but there must be substance behind this. The Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada provide a clear framework to guide libraries in the change toward a school-wide learning commons environment (Koechlin, & Sykes, 2014). These standards also clearly reflect 21st century skills. To cater to the needs of the community and future-proof the library space and services, a learning commons approach should be adopted. This way, the library “encourages participatory learning and allows for co-construction of understanding from a variety of sources” (Holland, 2015, para. 3). Schools and classrooms are still isolated spaces where teachers work in isolation. In contrast, a learning commons approach makes teaching and learning visible and collaborative. It’s not about teaching in a fish bowl, rather it is about everyone diving in.



Elliott, C. (2010). School library to learning commons: Planning the journey. Synergy, 8(2). Retrieved from

Holland, B. (2015). 21st-century libraries: The learning commons. Retrieved from

Koechlin, C & Sykes, J. (2014). Canadian school libraries leading learning. Synergy, 12(2). Retrieved from

Partnership for 21st Century Learning. (2017a). Above and beyond [Infographic]. Retrieved from

Partnership for 21st Century Learning. (2017b). Building your roadmap for 21st century learning environments. Retrieved from

Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. (2018). Senior secondary: A–Z senior subject list. Retrieved from

Thoughtful Learning. (2017). What are 21st century skills? [FAQ]. Retrieved from


[Reflection: Module 4.3]