I stumbled across this clip from The Gruen Transfer’s The Pitch segment while I was reading about digital texts and the reliability of online sources. It would be a great clip to show student’s about reliability of sources and perhaps a good segway into discussion about Wikipedia.
The Gruen Transfer (Creator). GruenHQ (Poster). (2013, August 8). The Pitch: Paper books (you can’t hack a paperback: protect history) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oktfUnqaVbA&list=PLOTfjwMQy3l9bFokGV3mvsa3C2h7SitBZ&index=11
Osccarr. (2011). Bonito iceberg al fondo [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/66598477@N07/6065295630/Deep Web: The Deep Web lies between the Surface Web (Google and other public search engines and domains) and the Dark Web (which is a small portion of the Deep Web and is the scarier, more sinister side where sites such as Silk Road live). According to BrightPlanet “the Surface Web is anything that a search engine can find while the Deep Web is anything that a search engine can’t find” (2014, para. 6). This includes government databases, libraries, and intranets. These are sites that a user must have a log-in or account for or paid subscription to access.
A great video that explains the deep and dark webs:
LEMMiNO (Creator). (2016, July 2). The dark side of the web [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUP0tx7Ib2w
Internet2: Internet2 is a research collective based in the United States, which works to solve the problems of technology and the internet in the current realm and develop the technologies and internet of the future. It is a consortium of research and education organisations which develops major innovations in the digital world. It is a collection of high performance networks that allow interaction which is not possible on the internet (The Regents of the University of Michigan, 2016).
BrightPlanet. (2014). Clearing up confusion: Deep web vs. dark web. Retrieved from https://brightplanet.com/2014/03/clearing-confusion-deep-web-vs-dark-web/
The Regents of the University of Michigan. (2016). Internet2. Retrieved from http://its.umich.edu/enterprise/wifi-networks/researchers/internet2