Challenges of Using Digital Literature in the Classroom

I honed in on the iPed model when contemplating this question. Following a model, such as this, to structure each experience will ensure the learning experience is intentional and valuable, which can enhance student learning and confidence (Mills and Levido, 2011). I thought this approach had some similarities with what was suggested by Walker, Jameson and Ryan; to connect the academic learning with the students’ own experiences (2010). Despite the readings centering on different aspects of digital literacy and learning, they both suggest that connecting with the students’ world will enhance engagement and motivation. This is not a new concept but it is important to remember when preparing to alter our teaching pedagogy to more successfully embed digital practices and tools.



Mills, K.A., & Levido, A. (2011). iPed: pedagogy for digital text production. The Reading Teacher, 65(1), 80-91, DOI: 10.1598/RT.65.1.11

Walker, S., Jameson, J., & Ryan, M. (2010). Skills and strategies for e-learning in a participatory culture (Ch. 15). In R. Sharpe, H. Beetham, & S. Freitas (Eds.), Rethinking learning for a digital age: How learners are shaping their own experiences (pp. 212-224). New York, NY: Routledge


[Forum Reflection: Module 2.3]

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