Evaluating Digitally Reproduced Stories

Some of the literature identifies the enhancements digital literature can offer and others highlight the potential barriers readers might encounter. Walsh (2013) and Lamb (2011) seem to support each other when discussing the future of digital texts. Lamb (2011) speaks of transmedia, while Walsh (2013) speaks of hybrid texts but both are discussing the same concept, that of engaging students with content outside of the text. I find this particularly interesting, as the addition of author’s websites, blog posts, maps, videos, and other participatory elements has such potential in enhancing the overall reading experience. At a time where reading seems less appealing to students (the ever constant battle between technology and the ol’ paper back), exploring a text in different formats and media can help to engage readers and contribute to expanding the whole reading experience.

The important point to note is to ensure this type of reading is integrated and not incidental. If integrated across the curriculum, the potential for creating diverse and inclusive learning experiences is vast. When selecting text for students, teachers and teacher librarians must be careful in selecting authentic and high quality text. Lamb (2011) and Jabr (2013) both identify that if the text offers too much freedom of navigation (or digital literacy skills are not adequately addressed), then readers might become lost in the text, which can inhibit reading comprehension. Definitely something to be mindful of. Technology has increased the accessibility of multidimensional text but has also allowed easier publication of narratives that might be of varying quality.


[Forum Reflection: Module 1.2]

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