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Category: INF532 (page 5 of 6)

Posts form INF52 subject

Connected & Collaborative

Have you moved beyond cooperation?

In my current position I have moved past a cooperation role into collaborative role. Our team although not at all times organic promotes members to share their unique skills and talents, from designing language and play based learning experience, having a thorough understanding of curriculum or promoting ICT integration in programs. With the departure or absence of one team member the team would function differently if not inefficiently.

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Exploring Floridi and Information Societies

After reading Floridi (2009) I identified three challenges regarding the nature of information that concerns me as an educator and member of an information society.

Digital divide & economy: Information societies

As technology advances the digital divide across the world grows significantly. Floridi (2009) stated that all G7 countries are considered information societies as majority of their GDP is driven by “intangible good” as opposed to physical outputs such as agriculture, mining and manufacturing. In a world of depleting resources I am concerned that those countries that don’t develop into an information society will be further pushed across the digital divide.

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Web 2.0 and new models of information

Web 2.0 has undoubtedly changed the way we create, access and share information. I think one of the most significant and defining characteristics of  Web 2.0 that has informed new models of information sharing is the concept that anyone with access can have voice. People of all backgrounds are jumping online into social media platforms, forums, blogs to share their messages and to be heard. Whether its a selfie on Instagram, a post on a fashion blog, uploading a new GPX track to Traildino or leaving a comment on a company’s TripAdvisor page. Anyone with access to the internet can be heard. This new model and freedom of information creation highlights two concerns for me.

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