Digital Citizenship in Schools

This subject explores the concept and practice of digital citizenship. Technological, political and ethical issues concerning digital citizenship are examined, including intellectual property, plagiarism, cybersafety, freedom of information, transliteracy and the effective use of a range of technologies to support learning and teaching. Issues in policy and practice are examined to understand how learning programs and school community practices can build capacity and resilience in students to enable them to become effective and responsible digital citizens in global online learning environments.

Learning Experiences

  • Module 1: What is digital citizenship? 
  • Module 2: Issues in digital citizenship
  • Module 3: The digital learning environment
  • Module 4: Supporting the digital learner
  • Module 5: Information leadership in schools
  • Module 6: Professional responsibility

Assessment 3: Reflective Post

For the first month or so of this course I positioned digital citizenship as a concept, that should be explicitly taught to student but isn’t  clearly outlined in the Australian national curriculum. I believe if you were to combine elements of the digital...

Assessment Reflection

As we put the finishing touches on our collaboratively built digital citizenship learning module, I am starting to look back over the last few weeks and critically reflect on what this experience has taught me. To help in this reflection I have broken down this...

Welcome to ETL523 – Digital Citizenship

After a few busy months away from Ed Tech UAE, I am finally back and couldn’t be more excited to get into the latest subject in my CSU Masters of Education journey, may I formally introduce ETL523 Digital Citizenship. Now I am excited for many reasons. First, I...