Design briefs into real life constructions

As discussed in the thread Design Brief: real experience; I wanted to share the design briefs and final construction following our conversations. This was the design brief provided to us following an initial brainstorming meeting. We were provided with 2 options and chose this design to add our ideas to, as you can see the pen scribble. These add ons came throughout an informal discussion. You will see in the following revised design brief that a lot of our ideas and changes were adhered to! You can see that the main changes are: The area Read More …

Part B: Critical Reflection

Designing Spaces for Learning (INF536) has been a very interesting and challenging course. I’ve been taken out of my comfort zone but also found common ground with design approaches and how I use them every day as a classroom teacher. I feel like I brought my strength of knowledge in early childhood education to meet my new learning about design processes head-on. It has left me with agreeing with the phrase that “Design has become too important to be left to designers” (Brown & Katz, 2011, p. 381). Kelley’s TEDtalk (2012) about creative confidence opened Read More …