Deborah's reflections

My journey to becoming a K-6 TL.

3.1 Suggest ways you can use one of these evidence guides.

on March 22, 2019

I have chosen the Proficient Evidence guide because that’s the stage I am in currently. The ASLA evidence guide is a valuable tool for evaluating outcomes, assessment and focus considerations in units of work. It could be used to review a whole year program and look for the omissions in focus areas e.g. Standard 1.5 describes differentiation as a key consideration. An evaluation of a program could check through to ensure this is part of all planned teaching activities for the year and to identify areas for improvement.

Another way to use the Evidence guide may be to identify areas of future budget planning e.g. Standard 2.6 suggests information rich learning resources to promote inquiry learning. With limited budgets schools need to carefully plan the optimum technology that will best fulfill their schools needs.

Professional learning for library staff can be identified in the ASLA Standards 6.1-6.4. Continual retraining and updating of our qualifications in areas of need is imperative if we wish to stay relevant for our profession and for our students.

Free-Photos / Pixabay


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