Deborah's reflections

My journey to becoming a K-6 TL.

ETL501 A2: Part B critical reflection


School libraries are adapting quickly in a 21st-century environment to focus on guidance and ‘lighting sparks’ rather than filling empty vessels (Chartered Institute for Library and Information Professionals, 2014). A learning object is a useful tool for teacher librarians (TL) to guide students, teachers and the community to gain information literacy skills. A carefully constructed guide can utilise the advantages of virtual spaces and improve the reach of a TL into classrooms and the wider community. TL readily embrace technology to meet the needs of students and teachers and teach information skills by providing useful online resources (Grantham, 2007, p. 7).

Creating a research guide has highlighted to me the value of:

  • the knowledge and understanding of technology.
  • the usefulness of pre-prepared scaffolds.
  • students having more control of their learning.
  • TL being released from scaffolding each lesson to student support during lessons.
  • embedding information literacy skills within research guides.

Julian Hawthorn Wark’s forum post (2020, September 20) promotes TL as demonstrating our leadership role in information literacy learning via a research guide. Opportunities arise to collaborate with class teachers to demonstrate the value of library services to enhance teaching.

Creating a research guide has been a rocky experience initially. However clear guidance with a site map framework, online meetings and discussion forums have provided me with a pathfinder to achieve an outcome I’m happy with and will use. Using thinkspace also gave me a head start in navigation without having to spend time learning how to use a new platform. I could focus on the task.

My topic of explorers has been created with a particular school in mind and relevance to resources including access to technology in the school library where I work.

Year 4 research guide 2020. Created by D. Nicklin


Earp, J. (2016, February 3), describes a theory of flipped learning where homework is set to prepare for class. Students were better prepared, engagement increased and it allowed for more time for support. I expressed reservations for flipped learning in a primary school setting Nicklin, D. (2020, August 24). The homework culture where I work is quite strong and with the use of a research guide, I think it may have merit for success in stage 3.


Well-designed physical and virtual learning spaces, with consideration given to WCAG 2.0, readability levels and flexible learning spaces are well on the way to 21st-century practice. Digital research guides complement current curriculums and I endeavor to incorporate more research guides for stage 2 and 3 students and teachers. Our library physical redesign took place last year and a virtual redesign is beginning to take shape. Research guides and a virtual presence are coming together to form a new cognitive framework of ‘disruptive innovation’ (Gilbert, 2019, p. 1).

I will continue to make the best use of technology and all it has to offer to keep the school library relevant and useful for our community. ETL501 and its practical aspects have given me tools to confidently evaluate and create physical and virtual spaces.  Research guides will feature prominently to support teachers and students in the shifting nature of what it means to be literate (Scheibe, C. & Rogow, F. 2012, p. 1) now and in the future.

HNPS library. 2020 Nicklin


Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP). (2007). Designed for learning: School libraries [Video].


Clker-Free-Vector-Images. (2020). [Lightbulb drawing]. Pixabay.


Gilbert, K. (2019). Libguides: In workflow, discovery behaviours and spaceSynergy 14(2).


Grantham, C. (2007). Virtual library: E-ssential. Access, 21(3), 5-8.


Nicklin, D. (2020, August 24). ETL501: Module 4 reflections. Deborah’s reflections: My journey to becoming a K-6 TL.


Nicklin, D. (2020). Year four research guide: Explorers. CSU Thinkspace.


Oddone, K. (n.d.). Re-imagining learning spaces to inspire contemporary learning – part one: Models for change. Living Learning.


Scheibe, C. Rogow, F., (2012). The teacher’s guide to media literacy. Corwin: A SAGE Company.


Wark, J,H. (2020, September 20). Role of TL in development of digital resources and online curriculum. [Discussion forum comment]. ETL501, Interact 2.

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ETL501: Learning Objects.

AbsolutVision / Pixabay

A Learning Object is any entity, digital or non-digital, that can be used, re-used or referenced during technology-supported learning. Examples of learning objects include multimedia content, instructional content, instructional software and software tools that are referenced during technology-supported learning. (IGIGlobal, para 1).

Each module in the Masters of teacher librarianship is effectively an intense learning object. The title and introduction sets the learning intention and a variety of online activites support the objectives in the course outline. Shorter learning objects are more appropriate for classroom use and I can really see the value of these particularly for the future of homework.

1. The first learning object I have chosen is using data to solve problems. This unit is intended for a year 4 class. It is presented graphically, with a topic map, Australian Curriculum outcomes, activities, web 2.0 tools, and assessment tasks. The unit can be opened as a pdf or a doc and is comprehensive. This unit can be applied to different themes e.g. pollution, transport, mathematics topics.

2. The second learning object I have chosen is the First Fleet. This learning path is found in Scootle. It has been written by Trish Clegg and provides 3 online resources and student questions to be answered in an online blog or workbook.

3. This learning object is designed for parents to do with their young students in learning from home environment. It is called Seasonal walk and guides parents Students take a walk around their local area to collect some data
about the animals and plants they can find during one of the four seasons. The last page explains the reasons why this activity is useful for parents.


Advantages of learning objects:

  • Many have been written by educators and are provided free through the Department of ed NSW sites.
  • They are reusable! You just need an efficient filing system for easy and logical retrieval.
  • Students can work on learning object tasks wherever they have wifi access.

Disadvantages of learning objects:

  • Links change and checking links can be time-consuming.
  • Power and internet access may not be reliable.
  • Students require their own devices 1:1 to complete tasks.

Digital tasks have been a feature of library lessons, however, I can see the value in combining several tasks together in a learning object. This would allow more time for the TL to circulate and support students in working through these tasks. Students can self-pace and differentiation can be built into the sequence.

Education Services Australia. (n.d.). Digital technologies hub: Families Digital Technologies.—collecting-seasonal-data_white-bkgd.pdf

Education Services Australia. (2020, July 14). Scootle.

IGIGlobal. (n.d.). What is a learning object?

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Explore the Edublogs site and identify a way you could use a blog in the school library or classroom. Discuss and reflect on your Thinkspace.

pixelcreatures / Pixabay

The Edublogs site has an overwhelming number of ideas for an educational blog. Subject areas, web 2.0 tools, and suggestions for use are well set out and easy to navigate. For a school library in particular, commentary around books including opinions, reviews, redesigning covers, adding extra characters and comparisons, would be a natural place to begin.

There are two ideas listed on page 5 of the pdf version that I particularly like. Activity 7 is to write about a hero or mentor. Activity 8 is to write about your country or another culture you are interested in. Both of these posts would encourage parent involvement and give students quite a lot of freedom in how to answer the question. The online prompts on page 7 have a multitude of ideas to simply write.

The edublogs site is a valuable guide and bibliography of ideas for activities for a virtual space in a classroom or library.

Morris, K. Burt, R. Waters, S. (n.d.) 150 student writing prompts for blogs, digital portfolios, or websites. The Edublogger.




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ETL501: Module 2.4. Informed by these readings, write a short blog post on your Thinkspace on the key considerations you need to take into account when choosing which format/s when purchasing resources in for your library.

The table below is an outline of the detail that occurs in the IFLA document referenced below.

Key Issues for e-resources
Students Best fit for student/community needs.
Cost Initial and ongoing expense.
Currency Non fiction access up to date.

Fiction titles include award winners, PRC, recent publications.

Available space Floor space for physical items and storage.
Access Disability provisions

e.g. font size, line spacing, page/text colours.

Technology Networking




Interface usability

Updates/change of ownership mean school loses content.

Single item access or multiple users accessing the one resource at once

Support Vendor backup support
Policy Collection development policy up to date to guide decision making and cover all aspects of multiple format collection.
Curriculum Relevant to current school curriculum philosophy and content.
Choice Staff and students can request particular titles are added to the collection.
Readability Reading levels suitable to the school population.


International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. (2012). Key issues for e-resource collection development: a guide for libraries.



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ETL501. Module 2.2. Website evaluation

geralt / Pixabay

What have I learned about website evaluation?

Essentially that it is an art more than a science. Harris (2018) espouses a skeptical attitude towards the authenticity of a website and not to be deceived by a professional-looking interface. The acronym CARS





is useful in guiding TLs in making an informed decision about a website recommendation. In terms of reliability, a trusted source is invaluable. My go to for reliability of educational websites is Scootle. A team of experts from Education Services Australia curate this online resource and are pre-evaluating websites for teachers. Grade levels, curriculum areas, matching outcomes and topics are determined by professionals. Time strapped TLs and teachers should be using Scootle extensively.

Students are well prepared to begin the task of writing responses if they have refined the sites to use. A full understanding of the task, critical analysis of information sources including reliability considerations support students well to succeed.

Reliability criteria questions

Is the URL from a reliable/recognisable site?

Can I learn about the author of a site?

Has the author produced other sites?

Is there a date and is the date recently updated?

Are there links to other sites?

Are there reviews connected with the site?

Is the tone of language professional/neutral or persuasive?

Do other sites show similar views or theories?

What is the reading level of the site?

Harris, R. (2018). Evaluating Internet research sources. Virtual Salt.


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ETL501: Bloom’s taxonomy table

Adding tools to this table became somewhat tricky. The first few were easy, due to the notion that the tools were familiar. A stumbling block was my use of web 2.0 tools is limited. I have explored quite a few but as far as classroom use goes, I only use a few. Another is familiarity with the topic. There are really only the bare bones of a unit of work here without an outline to direct focus.  I have added tools to the table below I have explored as part of this course, however, a more in-depth look at key tools will build confidence in exploring them in a classroom setting. Despite these hurdles, making room for more web 2.0 tools and applying them authentically requires careful thought.

Objective Question Resources/Web 2.0 tool
Knowledge What is an ecosystem?  

Dictionary – print or online or basic textbook, eg. Wordnik, Visuword, specialist glossary, …

Knowledge Define an ecosystem and list the varieties that are found in South Australia.  

World Book Online

NF texts in library

South Australian Govt website

Google Earth

Google doc or slides (collaborative group task-set up a document/folders to store information gathered/links to websites found)

Google slides

eduglogster-make a virtual poster

Wordle-creates word clouds also creates instant word clouds using QR code.

SA Environmental legislation website to explore laws.

Mind map-


Comprehension List the different parts of the ecosystem and explain what they do.  


Word document

Google form/slides(collect CC images)

World Book Online

Mind map tool-mindmeister

Comprehension tool to create an online cloze task- (Students could create their own to share.) (Mind mapping tool)-free

Comprehension Compare a marine ecosystem with one from another area of our state.

Application Using a diagram, show how the water cycle operates in an ecosystem. Cardboard (Poster)

Application Demonstrate what happens when humans interfere with the water cycle. Present to another group your findings (peer reviews)

Create a Kahoot to be shared with the class.


Analysis Contrast the natural water cycle with that used by our community.

Analysis Examine an ecosystem that has been damaged by human interference. Avoided how? A walk around school grounds or homework activity to photograph local sites/waterways. Describe how the ecosystem has been altered and/or damaged. Then describe how the change could have been avoided.
Synthesis Identify an unspoilt ecosystem and design a way of preserving it. Google earth

Synthesis How would preserving our local ecosystems enhance our environment? Build on collaborative google doc/slides.

Evaluation Is it reasonable that people pollute our waterways? Defend your answer. Debate/discussion

Record a mindmap of the discussion

Evaluation Assess the impact of pollution in our local waterways. Create a newspaper article using slides.

Create a poster encouraging the community to look after our waterways.






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Fun web 2.0 tools

Venngage is a tool for all types of mind maps, reports and posters useful for a number of Bloom’s stages.


Canva is a similar tool to create posters, mind maps, graphs etc

How fun is this! It’s an interactive word cloud among other things.

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ETL501. Module 1.3 Virtual Library spaces

Digital library evaluation criteria

This diagram is a great model for evaluation of library virtual web spaces.

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