Deborah's reflections

My journey to becoming a K-6 TL.

ETL401: Blog Post B

Blog post Part B

Reflecting on your experiences as a teacher before you became interested in working in a school library, write a 500 word piece about your understandings of the role of the TL in schools.


Growing up I always wanted to work in schools. It was a place where I slotted in and felt content and the library was a significant place of comfort. Teaching primary aged children is incredibly rewarding and allowed me to contribute in a fulfilling and meaningful way. After time off for raising my family, I returned to the classroom gradually and found myself being offered a little time filling in for the TL while she took some leave. It was here that I realised I belonged. Simply reading to students and opening the world of literature for them was immensely satisfying and allowing them to discover the hidden worlds inside the pages of a book was my carrot.

My take on the role of the TL was simplistic and limited. As long as I read to students, returned books, loaned books and kept the shelves tidy then I was fulfilling the role. Handling and accessioning new books was like the cherry on top. I was merely a curator of the objects within the walls of the Library. I was also providing a break for teachers with RFF and some would visibly relax when I took their class. In time I took over as Temporary in the Library and now in my second year I have increased my role description tenfold. I am coordinating with themes in the classroom and supporting teaching programs. I contribute to classroom curriculum outcomes and promote awareness of themes such as Harmony Day and NAIDOC week. Displays, locating resources for teachers, cleaning desks and even dusting all come under my umbrella as TL.
I am scratching the surface of the three major roles of Teacher Librarians as suggested by ASLA.(2019) on their website.

1. TL as curriculum leaders.
2. TL as information specialists.
3. TL as information service managers.

When I read the lists under each of these headings, I have a long way to go to fulfil each of these areas. The uphill battle of rapidly increasing student numbers and diminishing administration time squeezes my attention to these areas to tiny bite sized chunks of time. With 29 classes a week my time is spread thinly. I spend my time shelving, weeding and accessioning a couple of books at a time. My students inspire me and demand that I satisfy their need to devour literature. They also challenge me to enthuse the reluctant reader back to a love of story and print. The demand of the digital space and how it permeates all aspects of learning for our students and teachers is forging ahead rapidly. ‘Keeping up’ or ‘Being left behind’ is a concern of many and discerning what has educational value and is worthwhile among staff can vary widely. Our challenge is to reach a consensus.

I shall keep scratching the surface, until I begin to chip away larger chunks to realise the full potential of the role of the TL in a primary school and the roles influence for the school community.

fxxu / Pixabay

ASLA. (2019). Retrieved from


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