There are clearly enormous issues to be addressed in Case Study 2. However, initially the TL could suggest to the Principal that communication and trust is first priority. All staff need to have input in how simple, inclusive and regular communication channels can be set up within the 3 schools. Smith,B. (2016) suggests an integrated leadership style to maximise human resources and promote a higher organisational commitment by staff. This leads to a positive effect on school culture. This is a glaring priority for the Principal before staff can move on. It is important that all staff feel part of the process in order to build commitment to the organisation. A few staff members who are interested along with the school executives, could be allocated time to research communication structures used by other schools with multiple campuses and literature on the topic.
Using data gathered by the group, a basic structure of meetings needs to be devised with a collaborative and inclusive system of developing the structure. All staff need to be given the opportunity to provide suggestions to promote inclusive, collaborative approaches. After a trial period, review of the structure by all is imperative to have a positive commitment by staff in all three campuses. Staff need to be clear that the purpose of this action is to promote inclusive communication for all. A third review of organisational structures needs to be scheduled for 12 months time to iron out problems or start again.
From day one, the teacher librarian (TL) needs to make personal contact with each and every library staff member and introduce themselves and create a culture of valuing all. A transactional leadership style is needed to firstly establish good communication channels before a transformational leadership style can begin to really improve the culture and learning outcomes. An improved sense of personal well being and collegiality is paramount. Staff need time to work and socialise together in order to build a sense of collegiality. Professional development as a group off campus may begin to promote connections between staff. Not the team building, walking on fire style but a general/relevant to literature/library general PD.
The Principal needs to create a three year plan to build school culture. Review of vision/mission statements and strategic plans with all staff given time to review and create these ideas. The TL needs to mirror this on a smaller scale in the library.
Or resign!
Smith, B. (2016). The role of leadership style in creating a great school. SELU Research Review Journal, 1(1), 65-78. Retrieved from