Deborah's reflections

My journey to becoming a K-6 TL.

What is an appropriate role for the teacher librarian in curriculum development? What benefits can a school obtain from the active involvement of the teacher librarian in curriculum development? Should a principal expect that teachers would plan units of work with the teacher librarian? How are students disadvantaged in schools that exclude the teacher librarian from curriculum development?

TL should undoubtedly by involved in Curriculum Development and in a greater capacity than fetching the resources. TL can combine their experience of promoting information seeking and gathering skills to support and enhance student performance in learning tasks. Using print and ICT platforms, a constructivist approach can encourage positive and student led exploration of a topic.

Curriculum development school wide is essential for the TL to be involved in. TL can support class teachers with developing ICT and research skills for students to competently complete tasks. Students must have Digital Citizenship knowledge inbuilt across the curriculum to improve their use and access to information in all subject areas.

Principal’s should expect TL and class teachers to collaborate on units of work where appropriate. Our school has 2 staff meetings a term whereby staff are given grade meeting time to plan collaboratively. This inbuilt time is invaluable for the TL to join various grades to peek into their world and plan with teachers.

Excluding TL from curriculum development can disadvantage students and teachers from the expertise of an information specialist. The direction education is moving towards has a 21st C learning focus and students under prepared for this may struggle to in an information environment.

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Link to GI units for Primary

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Australian Government, Department of Education (2014) Figure 6: Analysing the flow of policy and practice in curriculum (source: Professor Brian Caldwell) p88 In Discussion forum 4.3_1, discuss ways in which curriculum is created and delivered in your school, particularly looking at whether teachers in the school have the freedom and capacity to tailor the curriculum to the needs of the school and its students.

I believe teachers in my school have the freedom and capacity to create and deliver curriculum as they professionally deem fit. Mostly teachers focus their attention on the NSW Syllabus documents and only a few take a cursory glance at the Australian Curriculum. Our senior science teacher does correlate programming with both documents and aligns outcomes with the NSW syllabus. Grade teams are mostly quite adept at sharing the load and work together and pool resources to implement curriculum. Our Principal encourages collegiality and collaboration and certainly promotes trying new things. An informal recess discussion about how much focus should we pay to the Australian curriculum concluded with an executive staff member saying NSW Syllabus until we hear otherwise. The rest of us are still on the fence… Any thoughts as to where our focus should lie at the moment?


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