INF506 – OLJ Task 4: Twitter feeds

Twitter is a social media platform that I have yet to find a viable use for, in my everyday life. With so many platforms to choose from and each one varying to attract a specific market, I find myself needing to justify the need to actively engage in Twitter and to find a reason for its use.

Through completing my Master of Education through Charles Sturt University, I have been required to create a Twitter account which allows for me to Tweet, follow others and experiment with the world of hashtags and handles.

Overall, my interest in Twitter is to determine the target audience for this platform. I feel that socially, networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok are where my friends are, however the world of Twitter is very much a space more for professionals, businesses and organisations.

Comparing Social Media Presence on Twitter  



3280 Tweets since 2013


26,600 Tweets since 2009

Included Content

  • Images
  • Video Content
  • Curriculum Updates/Topic Specific
  • Education Celebrations
  • Images
  • Video Content
  • Statements invoking thought and personal opinions
  • Relevant hashtags
  • Suggestions for who to follow

Tweet Topics Trending

  • Home Learning programs
  • Parent Support for home learning
  • Congratulating educators/awards
  • Professional Learning Opportunities
  • Digital Education
  • Indigenous Curriculum
  • Curriculum Resources
  • Global issues
  • Museums
  • Performing Arts,
  • Journalism
  • Covid-19, truth, medical support
  • Environmental issues
  • Our rights for factual information
  • International Culture
  • Women’s rights
  • Education
  • Technology

Target Audience


ACARA brings together people with a similar profession or interests around education and curriculum development and delivery.

Being the governing body who develops curriculum for learning, this Twitter page seems to be a sharing platform to keep followers up to date with curriculum changes, resources, and celebrations.

The ACARA Twitter page is a niche space for people with specific Education interests.

The UNESCO Twitter page seems to appeal to an audience that has a particular interest in freedom of speech and human rights. It encourages its viewers to think about a topic that they have shared and for people to formulate an opinion and take a stance of support through liking and re-tweeting their tweets.

The page feels very strong in their views and it encourages other like-minded people to join their voice.

Are the Tweets successful?

ACARA has a Twitter following of 22,500 people, most of whom would be associated in some way with Australian curriculum and assessment development and delivery.

This is the largest platform I have come across of connected educators.

The comment engagement is very low with most Tweets having 1 or 2 comments. Likes are averaging under 20 per post and re-tweets around 1-2.

With 3.2 million followers, UNESCO definitely has a large following on Twitter. However, most of their posts ranges between 40-60 likes and 10-50 retweets. This is with 1500 views or more.

There is a low comment engagement on posts with most of the last 20 posts only having less than 5 comments. This indicates that the viewers and followers are there, however not many of these people are engaging and retweeting.

More recently, the most engagement from Tweets from UNESCO come from the Covid -19 pandemic topic.

The Twitter analytic tools within the program also provide the useful ability for a user to assess engagement and followings through tweets, re-tweets and hashtags. Twitter provides a space for professionals and semi-professionals to Tweet about a given topic and reach a large amount of people following the same topic/feed.


One thought on “INF506 – OLJ Task 4: Twitter feeds

  1. Manajemen

    Overall, my interest in Twitter is to determine the target audience for this platform. I feel that socially, networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok are where my friends are, however the world of Twitter is very much a space more for professionals, businesses and organisations.


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