INF506 – Social Networking for Professionals (AT1)

What is social networking?

As an educator in Digital Technologies, I have found the definition of social networking a difficult term to define. ‘Social Networking’ has rapidly evolved since before the turn of the century and could include social sites, social networks, social media and crosses over into news and information dissemination.

As digital innovators continue to develop technology platforms, social digital networks have been created and formed with the intent to share, collaborate and gather information about any given topic or ‘feed’.

When researching ‘Social Networking’ I was able to determine a few different definitions.

Wikipedia’s definition of social networking –

A social networking service (also social networking site or social media) is an online platform which people use to build social networks or social relationship with other people who share similar personal or career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections.

Margaret Rouse’s definition of social networking –

Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one’s business and/or social contacts by making connections through individuals, often through social media sites such as FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+. –

Dictionary Definition of social networking –

The development of social and professional contacts; the sharing of information and services among people with a common interest.

Through web research I have formulated an initial definition of social networking that I hope can grow and develop throughout the duration of this subject.

Social networking incorporates a group of people with a common relationship such as families, groups or colleagues and provides a formal or informal collaborative communication space where discussion takes place from all participants.

Yoong Chin

The History of Social Media

So how can social networking help me professionally?

As a Digital Technologies Leading Teacher in a primary school setting, social networking can open up endless opportunities to market the school outside of our existing parent community as well as develop positive, collaborative relationships with all stakeholders within our current school community.

Personally social media is an everyday way of life for me, where I actively participate in a range of networking forums. My involvement in these social networks range from academic, professional and personal reasons and every platform has a different purpose and enhances my online experiences.

Some of these platforms that I actively use include:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Whatsapp
  • Wechat
  • Twitter
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest
  • Linked In
  • Skype/Zoom
  • Microsoft Teams


What I hope to gain –

When electing to complete INF506 – Social Networking for Information Professionals as a subject in my Masters of Education degree, I expect to gain professional knowledge and develop a strong understanding of best practice for planning, developing and implementing a social network platform in a professional setting.

I would like to consolidate my confidence for implementing a social network platform in schools and develop a strong purpose or standing for why a social network platform would be valuable in my own school setting. This will be supported with readings, professional learning and collaboration with like minded professionals.

Finally, I aim to put into practice and establish a social network platform to trial at my workplace with the intent to enhance my school’s digital presence.

‘Social tools are not just about giving people a voice, but giving them a way to collaborate, contribute and connect’

John Stepper, MD Social Media and Collaboration at Deutsche Bank

References –

Bennett, S (2015, March 15). The History of Social Media. Retrieved from

Rose, Margaret (2020). In Techtarget Network – Social Networking. Retrieved from

Social Networking (2020). In retrieved from

Social Networking Service (2020). In Wikipedia. Retrieved from

2 thoughts on “INF506 – Social Networking for Professionals (AT1)

  1. Informatika

    Finally, I aim to put into practice and establish a social network platform to trial at my workplace with the intent to enhance my school’s digital presence. please visit my website

  2. Teknik Informatika

    It’s interesting to see how the definition of social networking has evolved over time and how it can vary depending on the source.


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