INF506 – OLJ Task 2: The Influence of Technology on Society

The Influence of Technology on Society:

In 2020, the influence of technology on society, on a global scale, has grown exponentially and therefore has changed world as we once knew it. Currently more than 4.5 billion people use the internet (worldwide) and a staggering 3.8 billion people actively use social media as a communication and collaboration platform. Kemp, S (2020)

With a projected growth of 9% of people (298 million users) in the next year engaging with social media, and with more than half of the world’s population accessing these platforms, it is only sensible that all organisations engage in implementation plans that are regularly reviewed and updated as technology changes. The ability to coexist with technology will ensure longevity for any given organisation.

Organisation Considerations:

Developing technologies over the past 30 years, have pushed organisations and businesses to adapt and grow in order to accommodate this technological change. This combined with resilience has allowed organisations to coexist with technologies and in many cases provided rich enhancements and reduction to disruptions of productivity. For organisations unable to adapt in a timely manner, this has meant the demise of many of these companies.

Adner, R., & Kapoor, R. (2016) refer to this as the ‘War between Ecosystems’ for organisations where they have had to demonstrate the transition between the ‘Old Technology Ecosystem’ to the ‘New Technology Ecosystem’

In many cases, evidence of successful old technology that has grown and adapted to encompass new technology has provided improved use for what was once cutting edge. An example given by Adner, R., & Kapoor, R. (2016) is the design, development and redesign of barcodes which in essence still provides the same product but it has moved throughout the times to improve data sets and ease of use for the user.

In short, for organisations to remain competitive and in front of their target audiences, it is important for them to combine old and new methods of technological function. Organisations who assess the data for maximum customer engagement and usage and make clever and strategic use of available technology will find a balance and learn to exist with technology and use it to their advantage.

References –

Adner, R., & Kapoor, R. (2016). Right tech, wrong time. Harvard Business Review, 94(11), 60-67.

Kemp , S (2020) Digital 2020: 3.8 Billion People Use Social Media

We are Social

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