Are Teacher Librarians an Endangered Species?

Karen Bonanno (Australian School Library Association, 2011) argues that teacher librarians are more valuable than ever, yet they are somewhat invisible. She argues that TLs need to differentiate themselves in the school community. They must identify what it is that they can do or offer that others don’t. Make it visible, necessary. Follow a focus area through until successful. Establish relationships with students, staff and leadership. Show how the work of the TL enhances and develops the general capabilities. In her follow up article, A profession at the tipping point (revisited) (Bonanno 2015) Bonanno adds that TLs must keep abreast of developments in curriculum and pedagogy to ensure that the curriculum is effectively and efficiently resourced, and they can share their knowledge, advocacy and solutions with their colleagues.


Australian School Library Association (ASLA) (2011). A profession at the tipping point: Time to change the game plan. Keynote presentation, Karen Bonanno. Retrieved from

Bonanno , K. (2015). A profession at the tipping point (revisited). Access, March, 14-21