ETL401 Module 3.1

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers describes the tasks and activities undertaken by teachers that ensure they are providing a quality service to their school communities. The Australian School Library Association (2015)  and ALIA Schools (2014) provide correlated standards for use by Teacher Librarians to ensure they are also engaged in quality service provision. Teacher Librarians can use the standards and the evidence guide in their practice to ensure that they are operating using expert-endorsed methodology and pedagogy. Many of the types of evidence suggested are documents that many TLs would be producing and referencing frequently in their every-day practice and so should not be overly burdensome to collate. It is important for Teacher Librarians to have access to such professional standards and documents in order to assist in improving practice and maintaining high quality services to the school community. They serve as a guide to the sorts of things teacher librarians should be doing. If a teacher librarian should identify and area of their practice they would like to improve, the Standards can provide a good starting point, describing what high quality practice looks like.


The Australian School Library Association (2015) Evidence guide for teacher librarians in the proficient career stage : Australian professional standards for teachers retrieved from

ALIA Schools (2014) AITSL Standards for teacher librarian practice retrieved from