ETL402: Literature Across the Curriculum

Another subject begins! I am very much looking forward to this subject! I see what expert teacher librarians do and how they interact with teachers and students and I note that one of the key features of the good ones is an almost encyclopedic knowledge of literature, their collection and fresh, current ideas on how they might be used to enhance learning in all parts of the curriculum, not just in English. They common refrain, “It must be great to sit around and read all day!” heard in TL conversations with staff in so many schools is exactly on the money. It would be great! But that’s not what we do. We do and must read widely, deeply and often to explore new literary offerings and identify the applications to the curriculum that new texts have to offer. We must seek out those that should be added to the collection and select those parts of the collection that need to be promoted to teachers and students at the right times. It is my hope that, through this subject I will develop a range of strategies for doing exactly this. I do not need convincing on the value to student learning of great literature. I am a staunch convert already. But I would like to learn about ways to bring my colleagues along with me. Perhaps I will learn about new and various response and analysis activities and how the literature might be used in the classroom in a practical way. I certainly hope that there will be a good amount of practicality involved.

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