The main objective of this research is to develop an agent-based model that will be able to predict aggregated human navigation behaviour in order to examine the interaction between human navigation and the environment. This model needs to take into account information such as terrain, geographic features, decision-making, goal setting and human navigation behaviour. To develop an accurate model that can effectively estimate the possible movement of humans in the wilderness, the navigational and decision-making behaviours of people are essential inputs. Gaining insight into local experience is important to give depth to the model and determine the appropriate input, as well as ensure the accuracy of the output through validation. As a person over 18 years of age who has spent time in the Australian wilderness, your thoughts and experience are a valuable resource to provide additional insight.
For anyone interested in participating in the study, the following steps outline the process of this data collection. Additional details can be found in the participant information sheet.
Step one: Participants are requested to fill out a questionnaire where details about the participants will be collected, including demographic information, experience, physical condition and self-reported navigation abilities. Please click here for a link to the questionnaire.
Step two: Within the initial questionnaire, participants are asked if they would be willing to submit any historical GPS tracks they have collected during suitable wilderness activities (over two hours) in the past. GPS tracks can be uploaded along with additional details such as where you were going, what you had planned to do in the wilderness and any terrain issues or problems that made you change your plans. If you agree to provide historical GPS tracks, a new questionnaire will be sent to your email address. Alternatively, click here to access the questionnaire.
Step three: Prior to any wilderness activity within the collection period of January 2023 - October 2023, we ask that you fill out a pre-outing questionnaire before you leave for your adventure. This questionnaire asks about your plans and where you intend to travel, including an option to upload a map or sketch of your intended route. This questionnaire needs to be completed prior to any wilderness activity and can be found here.
Step four: In the pre-outing questionnaire (step three), you will be asked to enter your intended travel date so a second questionnaire can be sent to your email address upon your return. This post-outing questionnaire will ask for details about whether your wilderness activity went to plan and provides the opportunity to upload your GPS tracks. This questionnaire will be emailed to you, alternatively, you can access it here.
If you have any questions, please contact Krystal Dacey at