Agent-based models use human behaviour to develop rules for agents within the model. In this model, agents are multiple versions of one person with the same characteristics. Whilst we are unable to predict precisely how a single person will move in the wilderness, by using thousands of iterations of the same person, we can use probability to determine the most likely route. For an example of an agent-based model created by the researchers that predicts lost person movement, click here.
In order to determine accurate human navigation behaviour to include in the model, we need to test current spatial navigation theories developed through scientific literature in a wilderness situation. To do this, we plan to ask you some questions to determine your demographics, wilderness experience and sense of direction. We then ask that you attend one of our planned GPS collection events, where you will be provided with a GPS tracker and asked to walk out to a designated point and back.
The events will be held in the following locations, please click for more details on each:
- Mulligans Flat (ACT)
- Noosa National Park (Qld)
- Bungonia National Park (NSW)
- Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park (Vic)
You can conduct the event solo, or you can take a friend or family. We ask that if you do take anyone else the registered participant (the participant who has filled out the questionnaires) be the person to make all the navigation decisions.
For more information on the GPS tracking events overall, please see the Participant Information Sheet