Study Visit Report and Reflection

Part A: Attendance Virtual Study Visit’s attended: Thursday 27th April 2023, 1-2pm with Daniel Wee; Rare Books Collection, State Library of Victoria. Thursday 27th April 2023, 7-8pm with Lucy Hawthorne; The Mona Library. Monday 1st May 2023, 7-8pm with Lori K and Holly G; Lake Tuggeranong College. Wednesday 3rd May 2023, 10-11am with Janet V […]

Professional Placement Goals

Prior to organising my Professional Placement, I constructed a list of goals that I’d like to meet or explore whilst undergoing my professional learning experience. The goals are as follows: Personal Goals: Developing and customising library information services that broaden children’s vocabulary and language development. The acquisition and cataloguing processes of quality children’s literature and […]

ETL512 – Professional Study Module 2

What is the importance of the information sector in today’s world? Let’s first unpack information technology (IT) to understand the contributions of the information sector. IT is the study and application of digital devices or communications that enable us to store, retrieve, analyse, manipulate, transmit, and catalogue information. It involves both hardware and software that […]

Review 3 – Digital texts that PopOut!

Loud Crow Interactive (2017)  creates premium digital books that engage readers of all ages through innovative digital adaptions of print-born texts. A retelling of the classic children’s story by Beatrix Potter (1893), Loud Crow’s PopOut! The Tale of Peter Rabbit is an award-winning enhanced picture book designed for convenient reading on smartphone and tablet platforms. […]