Reflections for ETL402

Using literature in a primary school library setting seems an obvious choice in the teaching of a range of literacy skills. This subject gave me the chance to obtain and analyse fictional literature to explore characters, settings, complex narratives and develop an understanding and familiarity of authors and illustrators alike. My understanding of literary learning was stretched, prompting me to look at literature in a critical and analytical way. How do I find and select appropriate literature to teach concepts embedded in Key Learning Areas (KLA’s) such as history?

I was aware of some literary award sites that promote quality literature (Piper, 2021a) such as the Children’s Book Council of Australia (Children’s Book Council of Australia, 2021). Reading the rigorous selection processes that occur for books to be shortlisted and awarded, I began to understand the value of using literary awards as a means of recognising quality literature. Obtaining and reading some of these books showed me the value they can add to a range of KLA’s. The recognition and inclusion of cross-curricula priorities in the NSW syllabus demonstrates that students’ understanding, knowledge of and application of inquiry skills is necessary for viable discussions about our world (NSW Government, 2021). Researching the use of literature in KLA’s, I was presented with various lists of suggested texts that can be used to support the NSW curriculum (Board of Studies, 2017; NSW Department of Education, 2017a; NSW Department of Education, 2017b). Similarly, resources were made available supporting the use of literature when teaching history (Australian School Library Association, 2012). These lists showed me new resources I can use in my future teaching programs.

Using quality literature necessitates the practical use of a range of teaching strategies that highlight particular qualities of texts. Through my research I was made aware of explicit strategies. Some of these strategies include dialogic reading (Whitehurst, 2013), word clouds (Wolff, 2020), book trailers (Clarke, 2017) and digital timelines (Cox, 2012) to name a few. It quickly became clear to me that I was already implementing dialogic reading with great success. In a school where reading has been highlighted as an area for improvement, using picture books to teach and enhance concepts or themes is a reliable way to engage students regardless of their ability and backgrounds. Now that I am aware of other strategies that promote literary learning, I will endeavour to increase the use of strategies, such as word clouds and digital timelines, to engage all my students in their understandings of literature.

Creating a literary learning resource kit challenged me to think about the qualitative value of resources available. I questioned my bias in selecting and including specific literature in my school library (Piper, 2021b). The more I thought about the possibility of bias and others’ input and recommendations, I realised the focus needed to be about the quality and usefulness of texts and more importantly the clients of literature in the school. As a teacher librarian I aim to nurture the educational needs of children so that they may grow to be informed citizens able to make appropriate choices. As a facilitator of library resources, it is my goal to ensure literature is inclusive, appropriately selected, informative and engaging for students in my school.




Australian School Library Association. (2012). Primary school resources to support the Australian history curriculum (pp. 1–13). Australian School Library Association.

Board of Studies NSW. (2017). Suggested texts for the English K-10 Syllabus (pp. 5–85). Board of Studies NSW.

Children’s Book Council of Australia. (2021). About the Children’s Book Council for Australia. The Children’s Book Council of Australia: Since 1945 – Your Connection to Story; The Children’s Book Council of Australia.

Clarke, R. (2017, March 19). How free book trailers can be used to inspire reading and writing. Teach Wire: Your Link to the Best in Education.

Cox, C. (2012, January 12). Creating timelines. Reading Rockets.

NSW Department of Education. (2017a). Human Society and Its Environment Guide to using picture books in History K-10 (pp. 1–54). NSW Department of Education.

NSW Department of Education. (2017b). Using picture books for intercultural understanding (pp. 1–27). NSW Department of Education.

NSW Government. (2021). Learning across the curriculum. NSW Government Education Standards Authority.

Piper, J. (2021a, April 27). Getting to know children’s literature. Lines of Thought: Reflections of a Teacher Librarian.

Piper, J. (2021b, May 3). To include or not to include…. Lines of Thought: Reflections of a Teacher Librarian.

Whitehurst, G. J. (Russ). (2013, April 24). Dialogic Reading: An Effective Way to Read Aloud with Young Children. Reading Rockets.

Wolff, R. (2020, March 8). The best free word cloud generators to visualize your data. MonkeyLearn Blog.


To include or not to include…

As a classroom teacher in the TL role in my school, I am slowly getting to know the content of literature available to students. Having subscribed to the Australian Scholastic Standing Orders I get first hand interactions with new literature needing inclusion into our school library collection. These books are often well known texts familiar to students, short listed and notable texts evident in literary award lists, such as CBCA, or books by familiar authors such as Aaron Blabey and Anh Do to name a few.

As I set myself the challenge to read a number of texts so that I can promote and suggest reading material to my students with familiarity and understanding, I also find myself subconsciously dismissing texts as inappropriate for my students. I hadn’t quite taken note of this consciousness until the idea was suggested in the reading material: What influences my choice in including or censoring texts from the library?

The reading habits of my students certainly influence the inclusion of popular series such as Ninja Kid, Bad Guys and Alice-Mirand to name a few. Familiar authors such as those mentioned earlier add to the influence. But what about censorship? I have often been open with my students encouraging them to provide suggestions for new content for our school library and on a few occasions I have silently dismissed a few ideas. Ideas I thought weren’t considered ‘great’ reading material. But was I right to do so? How did I come to this conclusion? Certainly my age, my cultural understanding of ‘what is right’, my knowledge of colleagues approvals and thoughts on text choice influence my decision to include or dismiss new texts.

The Reading Bill of Rights certainly challenges my perceptions and intentions. In a primary school setting, I do need to be selective to ensure literature is age appropriate, relevant and meaningful for my students. I also need to ensure there are texts that will engage all my readers from all their varying backgrounds.

As I add a range of texts to my collection, thoughts of the students interests are increasingly at the forefront of my mind. When I better understand the recommendations made by students, I can familiarise myself with new literature of a similar theme, style and structure. Aiming to partner students with a book that is within their reading capabilities will continue to foster a love of reading.

Getting to know children’s literature

My previous post identified at surface level, a few strategies I use to be aware of, know the content and understand children’s literature.

Relishing the opportunity to read, I naturally gravitate toward libraries to observe new content and view promotional displays. Keeping up to date with literary awards and initiatives such as the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) and the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge ensures I am aware of book lists and the selection of high quality literature. My school is in the fortunate position to subscribe to Scholastic Australian Standing Orders, ensuring our school receives new content on a regular basis. When these books cross my desk, I make the effort to read and absorb content that could be relevant or beneficial for students and staff in my school.

Being in the enviable position of working in the TL role gives me the advantageous position to take stock of children’s literature that is available in my school. Frequently I take books home from a wide range of genres, text types and age recommendations to read in my own time. This allows me to know the content and promote texts to staff and students alike and be ready for that moment when a student comes to me and says “I don’t know what to read!”

Although these sound like great initiatives to get to know new and varied literature, there is still more I could do. Following online book reviews such as those presented by Booktopia; subscribing to children’s literature magazines such as Magpies; attending professional development opportunities relevant to teacher librarians such as those run by the School Library Association of NSW would increase my professional knowledge of children’s literature. These opportunities would further develop my critique, analysis and understanding of how these texts can be used for reading engagement and teaching content within the school curriculum.

Driving the change for children’s literature

I have always been fond of reading. I distinctly remember a time I approached my librarian in primary school seeking something more challenging to read. I had read some of the so called classics, Anne of Green Gables, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Broken Fang to name a few. It was at this point my librarian introduced me to Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. It was amazing. It was the right challenge I needed at the time.

As a TL in a small school where reading had often been met with reluctance, in part due to the low learning abilities, I was always, and continue to do so, thinking and reflecting: what can I do in my library space to promote reading that is engaging, appropriately challenging and inspiring?

Reflecting back on my personal experience described earlier, I can see how the driver’s of change for the future of literacy engagement is not limited to the TL or children themselves. In my own school I am seeing a steady increase and positive attitude to reading and the opportunities literature provides. Students are seeking my expertise and knowledge in book recommendations, borrowing has significantly increased within the last few years. Of particular note, the restrictions presented by COVID-19 only made students more eager to literally get their hands on books. Borrowing has surged! I have since begun, what can only be described as book talks with less familiar texts, supporting discussions about genres, content and characters to name a few. I have set myself the challenge of reading a number of books myself to demonstrate to students that initiatives such as the Premier’s Reading Challenge can be achieved. These small changes are noted by students and fellow staff. Staff, similarly, are observing a shift in attitude to reading. By supporting the staff in recommending texts for inclusion in their teaching program, students are able to observe quality literature in all areas of their learning.

Children’s literature is changing. This is evident in the number of new books available in the market. The challenge is to maintain this momentum. Children will seek new books, new content or at the very least ‘something to read’. Teachers, parents and caregivers can support this yearn for language in providing literature for students. Author’s can continue to create quality literature by capturing content in new and creative ways. A key challenge for author’s then is to ensure their content is engaging. By recognising trends observed by children and so called gaps in information about particular content, author’s are best placed to shift the stagnant mentality and approach to reading. This is not to say author’s need to follow a particular ‘fad’. Quality children’s literature will last the through the ages, texts that have children coming back again and again and clamouring for more.

What is my vision for the future of children’s literature? I’d like to think that all children with a book in hand is a common and mainstream occurance. Imagine a place where children are excited by language in all facets of life. Literature that is filled with insight, that is clever, that explores imagery in creative ways posing questions of wonder, thoughts of awe and intrigue.