Leading by example

When I think of those in my career who have been inspirational in my role as teacher and now as TL, I am forced to analyse the attributes of leadership they display. In particular the following attributes were evident in these mentors and colleagues: organised, flexible, knowledgeable, supportive, end-goal oriented and inclusive. It was interesting to note, not all of these people were leaders in the formal sense. Some were certainly part of executive teams, but others were classroom teachers, TLs and other support and administrative staff within schools. Clearly, leadership attributes are present in a diverse range of people who offer expertise and wisdom as educational leaders.

If I am to ‘lead’ from the middle as a TL, it is thus necessary that I also display these attributes with a conscientious motivation to be present, objective, proactive and resourceful. This ensures that the TL is an ever present and important member of the school community who can provide support in a myriad of ways. A well resourced and engaging school library, actively supports the vision of the school, highlights gaps in service provisions and assists in navigating the pathways for school staff to achieve educational agendas. This is becoming even more important as schools move towards creating learning environments for critically informed citizens of the future.

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