Category Archives: Information Literacy Models


Critical Reflection: Information Literacy, Information Literacy models and the role of the Teacher Librarian

A recurring theme throughout my study during ETL401, has been the importance of evidence based practice (Galimi, 2020, May 4) as an ongoing part of the role (Galimi, 2020, March 11) of a teacher librarian (TL). My thinking has evolved during this short space of time, to find ways to promote teacher librarianship (Galimi, 2020, … Continue reading Critical Reflection: Information Literacy, Information Literacy models and the role of the Teacher Librarian

21st century learners, Guided Inquiry and BYOD

Fitzgerald (2019) suggests that “Information literacy (IL), extracted from the wider umbrella of literacy, underpins guided inquiry. The widest possible understanding of IL, as a transformational process whereby an individual moves from ignorance to knowledge, is core to the attainment of 21st-century skills” (p. 13). Fitzgerald (2016) states that 21st century learners “must be able … Continue reading 21st century learners, Guided Inquiry and BYOD

Information Literacy & Multiliteracies

Information Literacy Information Literacy is an interesting area with many differing views, but it is also confusing! “Becoming information literate is a sociocultural and an embodied process that is constituted through the whole body being in the world, experiencing information not only from textual modalities, but also from social and corporeal modalities. In this respect … Continue reading Information Literacy & Multiliteracies

Feeling a little overwhelmed! 9th May 2020

One of the reasons I have connected with the Guided Inquiry information literacy model, is I can relate to the feelings within the Information Search Process (ISP). I am experiencing them now while I am trying to understand my assessment for ETL401! It is a rollercoaster of emotions and when you do reflect back at … Continue reading Feeling a little overwhelmed! 9th May 2020

Information Literacy Models – Guided Inquiry Design

Notes from the following website by Carol C. Kuhlthau, Leslie K. Maniotes, Ann K. Caspari: Guided Inquiry Design GID stems from the research of Information Search Process (ISP) describing the inquiry process of students from a variety of sources of information and how to achieve deep learning. Research includes Kuhlthau (1985, 2004, 2005), Seeking Meaning … Continue reading Information Literacy Models – Guided Inquiry Design