Unfortunately, often there can be an issue when a teacher intervenes and refuses to allow students to read a book as they believe that it not the appropriate reading level for them. I believe that choice is powerful and gives students agency to become motivated learners and readers. It is worth reminding teachers of the role choice plays in reading success, in an appropriate format such as a library newsletter, informational email to teachers or in general conversation. To navigate this difficulty, I have created an infants section in the library which includes picture books, readers and early chapter books for K-2 students. Within these collections which are sufficient for nearly all of these students, there is a wide variety to choose from.
Research does support voluntary choice being critical for reading success (Allington & GabrIel (2021a), Lindsay (2010), Gambrell (2011), Ainley, Heidi & Berndorff (2002)). Choosing the right book generates excitement and motivation to find other similar books, students assume ownership over the books they choose, gain confidence as they become familiar with characters, settings, and author’s style, choose to read at home with parents noticing the change (Lowe, 2016).
Ainley, M., Hidi, S., & Berndorff, D. (2002). Interest, learning, and the psychological processes that mediate their relationship. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94(3), 545-561.
Allington, R.L., & Gabriel, R. (2012a). Every child, every day. Educational Leadership, 69(6), 10-15.
Gambrell, L. (2011). Seven rules of engagement: What’s most important to know about motivation to read. The Reading Teacher, 65(3), 172-178.
Lindsay, J. (2010). Children’s access to print material and education-related outcomes: Findings from a meta-analytic review. Learning Point Associates.
Lowe, K. (2016). For the love of reading: Supporting struggling readers. Primary English Teaching Association Australia.