Selecting Resources & Teacher Librarian

Discuss how the teacher librarian’s expertise and role is different from that required by all teachers.

The teacher librarian (TL) understands the current collection and whether a subject is well resourced. The TL also knows how the resources are catalogued and organised, it is their responsibility to do this and make resources as accessible as possible to teachers and students.

The TL role is overarching; working with teachers and managers to support the curriculum and recreational needs of students. This differs from teachers interested in their grade level or department/KLA. Teacher librarians also interact with most if not all of the student population. This provides a greater understanding of student needs and interests.

TLs need to keep up with trends in literature; following the listserv OZTLNET is a wonderful source of ideas, information and feedback. Blogs, twitter, instagram and facebook provide information regarding new releases, new trends, resources for specific needs and feedback on a multitude of issues.

Share ideas on how teacher librarians might effectively collaborate with the school community in the selection of resources in a school with which you are familiar.

  • Email heads of department to determine if their are resources that are beneficial for students/teachers – they can raise this at their meetings
  • Suggestion Padlet/google form available on website/QR code in staffroom
  • Meetings – suggest possible resources or assist with the need for particular resources
  • When asked for resources and there isn’t a sufficient amount, discuss this with teacher to see if specific resources can be purchased to fill the gap

Who should have the final say on what is included? Why?

The TL is the person that orders and accessions the resource. However, the choice of resource does depend on the expertise for the resource purchased. Teachers will be familiar with specific books that will help them teach their subject or that will assist students with a particular skill/assessment task. As long as these resources meet the collection development policy, the TL works with teachers and managers to fulfil the needs of the school community. I currently work in a K-12 school and there are many specific resources that I assist with purchasing for teachers. The student collection for borrowing is decided by me, often receiving suggestions for other teachers which I gratefully take. I also seek guidance with books that I am unsure of to ensure the best use of the budget.

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