Bloom's revised taxonomy

ETL501 | Module 1: Teaching & Learning

Bloom’s Questioning and Resourcing

Bloom's revised taxonomy

Objective Question Resources/Web 2.0 tool
Knowledge What is an ecosystem? Dictionary – print or online or basic textbook, eg. Wordnik, Visuword, specialist glossary, …
Knowledge Define an ecosystem and list the varieties that are found in South Australia. Online encyclopedia, Textbook, Geographic search online, Note taking – Evernote, Infographic
Comprehension List the different parts of the ecosystem and explain what they do. Geographic search online, online databases, Mind map – mindmeister with descriptions
Comprehension Compare a marine ecosystem with one from another area of our state. Textbook, Online databases and encyclopedias, Multimedia poster – Glogster
Application Using a diagram, show how the water cycle operates in an ecosystem. Textbook, Online databases, Popplet – mind map/diagram tool online
Application Demonstrate what happens when humans interfere with the water cycle. Textbook, Class discussion, Online encyclopedias, Lucidchart, Infographic (Canva or Piktochart), powerpoint presentation or google slides
Analysis Contrast the natural water cycle with that used by our community. Textbook, online encyclopedia, Padlet – create a unique comparison
Analysis Examine an ecosystem that has been damaged by human interference. Avoided how? Textbook, Online databases, Library resources, Geographical websites online, Video – Animoto or presentation via google slides/powerpoint
Synthesis Identify an unspoilt ecosystem and design a way of preserving it. Geographic websites, textbook, online databases, Piktochart or Infographic via Glogster
Synthesis How would preserving our local ecosystems enhance our environment? Textbook, online research preservation, Presentation – Prezi,
Evaluation Is it reasonable that people pollute our waterways? Defend your answer. Online research, Essay – Microsoft Word,
Evaluation Assess the impact of pollution in our local waterways. Online research, web search, news articles or reports, government info, Report – Microsoft Word

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