3.4: Accountability in practice discussion post

3.4: Accountability in practice

Evidence based practice is important, not only to improve the functioning of the school library, but to also demonstrate the effectiveness of the school library,. Technological advances are making it easier to collect and analyse data. I would love to have a library blog, where I could have a poll embedded to gain regular information. It would be a great way to gauge the needs of the students in regards to resources or books they would like to see in the library. Google forms would also be a useful way of determining interest in a specific library program, class or club. It could also be used to survey teachers for how the library could be of more assistance to them. SurveyMonkey could be used at the end of a library class, to find out what students liked, didn’t like or would like more of. Padlet and Flipgrid sound very interesting and I would like to use these as well. Focus groups would be a great way to get detailed in depth information. Regular correspondence such as an email newsletter or library update could also provide a means for feedback, clicking to an interactive survey or poll, which would also highlight the functions and offering of the school library.

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