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Do I have a personal learning network?

May 22, 2023 • Janet

If a mature personal learning network (PLN) is a curated selection of resources and activities which enhance my professional life and development, where am I on the road to developing one?

Jeff Utecht describes the 5 stages of the development of a PLN as:

    • Immersion
    • Evalauation
    • (trying to) Know it all
    • Perspective
    • Balance

I think having worked in libraries for 15 years, and stepping away before coming back to do my MIS I am at the stage of having perspective in what is useful and interesting and the varied sources that can inform my professional and personal life and development. However, what I actually have is a very rudimentary, and somewhat at arm’s length network.

The things that I consider part of my network would be:

  • Blogs such as The Conversation for general awareness of research and current issues, and Ask a Manager for practical workplace advice, and also excellent job search resources.
  • Membership of ALIA (Australian Library and Information Association), and through that access to their online library. I have participated in events that they organise such as the Queensland mini-Conference in 2021, and the online Friday meet-ups during COVID lockdowns. They also have a professional development programme that you can participate in, and I look forward to exploring that in more detail when I have completed my studies.
  • YouTube, specifically BookTubers, including BookishRealm, who recently has discussed how book banning is affecting her and the library she works in, in general terms.
  • Current co-workers, who have a range of skills and experience and who are happy to discuss library related issues.
  • MIS programme at CSU, and the staff and fellow students who are participants.
  • My local public and State libraries.

The clear gap in my PLN is in social media, and having recently begun to explore further I have found some wonderful resources on Instagram. However, since this is not yet a 2-way street, to be a fully developed part of my PLN I would need to participate more. Perhaps I need to enter into the Immerse phase again to discover new resources and fresh perspectives. As I watch the demise of Twitter as a resource that is trusted and easy to curate, I wonder what will replace it. I have briefly explored the possibility of using Mastodon, and there are useful resources both from Buffer, and on their own webpage should I choose to go that route.

This leads to the conclusion that my PLN needs strengthened social media resources to continue to develop.



Ask a manager (2023) Ask a Manager.

Australian Library and Information Association (2023) ALIA.

The conversation (2023) The Conversation Media Group Ltd.

Oladipo, T. (2022, November 16). A beginner’s guide to Mastodon. Buffer.

Social networking that’s not for sale. (2023).  Mastodon gGmbH.  

Utecht, J. (2008, April 03). Stages of PLN adoption. The Thinking Stick.



2 opinions on “Do I have a personal learning network?

  1. Hi Janet
    Thank you for sharing your PLN. Like you, I have worked in libraries for many years and I have also realised that I need to participate in social media to strengthen my professional network.
    Best wishes

  2. Hi Janet,
    I can identify with a lot of what you said here. I recognise we consider many of the same sources as part of our PLN and I too also feel the need to immerse myself in more social media to strengthen my professional PLN. Your comment on the demise of Twitter as a resource has also made me wonder what will come next and makes me think about how I may always be in the immersion stage as new technologies and social platforms come and go.

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