Posted in ETL501 The Dynamic Information Environment

ETL501 Critical Reflection

Website design layout for desktop and tablets
kreatikar / Pixabay

Information literacy develops the knowledge and skills students need to navigate complex information environments. Adopting a model like the New South Wales (NSW) Information Process integrates information fluency and can be implemented using a schoolwide approach (NSW Government Education, 2023). The role of the teacher librarian (TL) supports teaching and learning by providing quality information services. Research guides offer an opportunity for TLs to embed library instruction into classroom practice when time restraints limit in-person contact (Puckett, 2015). A structured guide with a pedagogical focus including curated resources and logically sequenced menu items helps make researching less stressful for students (Friend, 2023b, August 27). Continue reading “ETL501 Critical Reflection”

Posted in ETL501 The Dynamic Information Environment

Smart Searching

Boolean operators infographicWhen searching databases, there are different strategies that can be used to conduct more efficient information searching. After identifying important keywords, boolean operators may be used to refine search results on a given topic. Using synonyms can expand the number of results you can expect to find. A combination of operators forms a search string, which can be used to find more specific and relevant information. When conducting Google searches, the AND operator is automatic and a minus sign is used in place of the NOT operator. Continue reading “Smart Searching”