Posted in ETL504 Teacher Librarian as Leader

ETL504 Reflective Practice

mohamed_hassan / Pixabay

I had never given much thought to the leadership structure that existed in schools. To untrained eyes, formally recognised leaders hold positions of authority over a hierarchy of middle managers who oversee professionally trained teachers. It is a simple view, but until you’re asked to examine school leadership more closely, it is a fair assessment. With an unusual start to the school term, I posted my thoughts to my blog about leadership in lockdown and how the leadership team in my school changed their focus to support staff through a crisis situation (Friend, 2021, August 26). Continue reading “ETL504 Reflective Practice”

Posted in ETL504 Teacher Librarian as Leader

Leading Change in School Direction

ar130405 / Pixabay

When I returned from maternity leave our school principal had taken on a position of higher duties and one of our deputy principals was relieving in the role. The deputy principal was doing a wonderful job of managing the school and she knew the community well. But she had made it clear that it was not her long-term aspiration to remain in the principal’s position on a permanent basis. Under her leadership the staff were well supported as the first wave of covid sent schools into the unknown world of home learning. Leading in a crisis environment must have been a big challenge, but this leader had developed trust with staff and ensured communication was always forthcoming. Returning to school was daunting for many, but the staff trusted our senior executive team and their safe and well considered reopening plan. Continue reading “Leading Change in School Direction”

Posted in ETL504 Teacher Librarian as Leader

Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds: Library Leadership in Lockdown

Mysticsartdesign / Pixabay

There was a frenzy of activity in my household this week as my own kids sprung to life to find perfect Book Week costumes. Learning has been challenging for everyone this term during lockdown. I have been observing how the teacher librarian at my children’s school has supported learning across the whole school during home learning. As a secondary teacher currently still working in a classroom, this experience gave me insight into some of the ways primary teacher librarians were supporting and leading their learning communities. Continue reading “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds: Library Leadership in Lockdown”

Posted in ETL504 Teacher Librarian as Leader

Looking to Leaders in Lockdown

Alexandra_Koch / Pixabay

Being in lockdown in New South Wales has been a challenging time for educators. It’s not the first time we have had to adapt our teaching practice to online learning and the process has been much smoother this year. While attending non-stop Zoom meetings and working all kinds of hours to get everything done, I have now stopped to reflect on how the formal leadership team are navigating everyone through this time of crisis. Continue reading “Looking to Leaders in Lockdown”