Posted in ETL504 Teacher Librarian as Leader

ETL504 Reflective Practice

mohamed_hassan / Pixabay

I had never given much thought to the leadership structure that existed in schools. To untrained eyes, formally recognised leaders hold positions of authority over a hierarchy of middle managers who oversee professionally trained teachers. It is a simple view, but until you’re asked to examine school leadership more closely, it is a fair assessment. With an unusual start to the school term, I posted my thoughts to my blog about leadership in lockdown and how the leadership team in my school changed their focus to support staff through a crisis situation (Friend, 2021, August 26). Continue reading “ETL504 Reflective Practice”

Posted in ETL504 Teacher Librarian as Leader

Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds: Library Leadership in Lockdown

Mysticsartdesign / Pixabay

There was a frenzy of activity in my household this week as my own kids sprung to life to find perfect Book Week costumes. Learning has been challenging for everyone this term during lockdown. I have been observing how the teacher librarian at my children’s school has supported learning across the whole school during home learning. As a secondary teacher currently still working in a classroom, this experience gave me insight into some of the ways primary teacher librarians were supporting and leading their learning communities. Continue reading “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds: Library Leadership in Lockdown”

Posted in ETL401 Introduction to Teacher Librarianship

Twenty-First Century Learning Skills and Accountability

Mediamodifier / Pixabay

Time is a big issue when trying to meet the demands of an overcrowded curriculum. In education, there is currently a push to develop skills required by 21st century learners to take into the workforce. This includes covering the requirements outlined in the General Capabilities and Cross Curriculum Priority areas from the Australian Curriculum. The teacher librarian (TL) is perfectly placed to collaborate with classroom teachers to design inquiry units to meet these requirements. Continue reading “Twenty-First Century Learning Skills and Accountability”

Posted in ETL401 Introduction to Teacher Librarianship

The Teacher Librarian and the Principal

sanuas / Pixabay

A supportive partnership between the Teacher Librarian (TL) and the school Principal is important to the success of the school library. If the objective of the library is to support the learning needs of the school community, it makes sense to align the goals of the library with the vision of the school. The strategic directions identified in the school plan will outline the priorities for professional development and the focus of working groups for a three-year period. These strategic directions have been developed to improve outcomes for students, with the specific needs of the learning community in mind. When everyone in the school is working towards a common goal, improvement is likely to follow. Continue reading “The Teacher Librarian and the Principal”