Posted in ETL501 The Dynamic Information Environment

Smart Searching

Boolean operators infographicWhen searching databases, there are different strategies that can be used to conduct more efficient information searching. After identifying important keywords, boolean operators may be used to refine search results on a given topic. Using synonyms can expand the number of results you can expect to find. A combination of operators forms a search string, which can be used to find more specific and relevant information. When conducting Google searches, the AND operator is automatic and a minus sign is used in place of the NOT operator.

AND- Use to search for multiple terms at once.

OR- Returns results which use either search term.

NOT- Excludes a word from your search.

Truncation- When an apostrophe is used at the end of the word, terms with multiple suffixes can be found.

Wildcards- Use an asterisk in place of a character to find words with a common beginning and end.

Phrase Searching- Using double quotation marks finds results which match the exact phrase you have defined.

Other great tips include footnote chasing where you use the reference list of an article to find older information and citation searching to find newer articles that have referenced your chosen source.


Charles Sturt University. (n.d.). Search Strategy.

Oddone, K. (2021, November 30). Expert Searching. Creating Connections: Musings of a TL lecturer.

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