Long time between posts

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My apologies for the lack of consistency. Between sick children, working and trying to keep up with assignments my blog has fallen to the wayside.   So here are a few thoughts over the last few weeks. My readings concerning leadership was interesting. The thing that I was most surprised by was the leadership attributes … Continue reading Long time between posts

Module 2: Week 2

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Improving Relationships in the Workplace   Mintzberg’s (2017) division of organisational structures would have many schools fall into the ‘Professional’ and ‘Divisional’ categories. When decisions are made without consultation with those if impacts moral can decrease and isolate individuals from working in a positive and effective manner. In a school setting, cooperative relations with all … Continue reading Module 2: Week 2

Leadership (Colvin, 2000)

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School Libraries are full of people with various skills and abilities, as TLs we need to be able to utilise the skills and abilities of others to best assist student learning. School Libraries are an opportunity for the sharing of knowledge, this can only be done when people are given the opportunity to “create, judge, … Continue reading Leadership (Colvin, 2000)

Back at it again

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I have enjoyed the break over the past few weeks, though without finding an alternate rental we might be moving during term which is a daunting thought. I was originally enrolled in ETL504 and ETL505 though thought this would be a little much with young children and returning to work (all be it one day … Continue reading Back at it again