ETL 401 Part B Community Perceptions of the TL

ETL 401 Online Reflective Journal PART B


Reflecting on your experience of school libraries thus far, write a 500 word piece about how you think the role of the TL is perceived by parents/community in schools.


Being able to interact and support the whole school community in information services was a key reason that motivated me to become a Teacher Librarian. “Librarians are in the privileged position of being able to work with teachers across all subjects and students of all ages, observing the inner workings of a school from a slight distance” (Dring, 2014). Dring’s quote is affirming, however, I soon discovered there are negative community perceptions of the role of a TL. Some argue it is more worthwhile to spend their budget on other resource personnel (teacher aides) or resources instead of employing a qualitied TL. Some consider it a cushy job; getting paid as a teacher when you effectively have less face to face contact with students than a regular classroom teacher. Others distort the ability of a TL by suggesting they were placed in the library because they were performing badly in the classroom (Lupton, 2016). Such assumptions can be harsh and highlight that TL are undervalued and the degree of their skills are not being utilised or understood. Essentially, community perceptions of the TL can be narrow, limited and somewhat unaltered due to their own personal past experiences. I recently asked a parent what she thought was the role of a TL. I guess they teach students how to find books, research, and learn to love reading. Read them stories and encourage students to share with others what they are reading. Ask people to be quiet (insert laughing emoji). TL have a huge responsibility in redefining community perception of their critical role in the school community.



“The principal’s perception of the role of the Teacher-Librarian is crucial to the way the school library and Teacher-Librarian is supported  (or not) in the school”(Lupton, M. 2016,p 50). Shannon (2012) as cited in Lupton (2016) suggested it is essential that the TL establish a collaborative partnership with the principal. TL provide valuable insights and perspectives  because people talk differently to the TL than they would to their principal (Lupton, 2016). I believe this to be an unseen value of the TL and have experienced this with my own children’s school librarian as always having a “listening ear”, while she gathers insights from the school community. Lupton (2016) shares themes that were highlighted from an Australian Principal’s open-ended study. The findings highlight the qualities and value of the TL in five areas. Value for money – teacher first, librarian second, value in providing a broad perspective, value in giving advice and providing ideas, value in providing leadership in ICT and value in the teacher-librarian’s (personal) qualities.


My previous blog focused on student’s perceptions (my own childhood and my daughter’s view) of the TL and highlighted the impact of technology and its influence in shaping the current nature of the role of the TL. My research into parent and school community perceptions has only confirmed my conviction that “it is critical that the TL has a presence in the school community by staying relevant and thereby proving they are irreplaceable.” (Greensill, 2018, March 28)



Dring, S. (2014, September 18). Don’t overlook your school librarian, they’re the unsung heroes of literacy. The Guardian. Retrieved from


Greensill, J. (2018, March 28). My childhood reflections, my daughter’s experience and the influence of technology [Web log comment]. Retrieved from


Lupton, M. (2016). Adding value: principals’ perceptions of the role of the teacher-librarian. School Libraries Worldwide, 22(1), 49-61. doi:10.14265.22.1.005

One Reply to “ETL 401 Part B Community Perceptions of the TL”

  1. Dear Jennifer,

    I must apologise for missing out commenting on your blog, and your reflection on the role of the TL as perceived by the school community. I’m not sure how I left yours out! Anyway, you’ve created an attractive blog space, are using it well, and your reflection on the role of the TL is thoughtful, uses sources well, and gets the negatives out of the way!

    I couldn’t find your peer review. Nevertheless, I’ve put Satisfactory into Gradebook for this task.

    Good luck with the rest of the subject.

    ETL401 SC (on leave!)

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