NAME: Sheikh Hasan Arefin
Project Title: Data Network threats, attacks and Defence systems


WEEK No: 12 Date:30/05/2021 May 30, 2021
Milestone Planned Actual Comment
The milestone of the project was to achieve the complete final report in IEEE format. The planning involved in the completion of the final report in IEEE format includes proper formating, two columns for content, single columns for component, classification, and evaluation table, explanation of classification table, and evaluation table. The completion of the final report in IEEE format includes abstract, introduction, classification table, evaluation table, literature review with subheadings, component table, results and findings, and conclusion. Week 12 was concerned with the proper formatting for the final report in IEEE format.
Description Date Action/Results Finished(Y/N)
 The description of the  issues faced in the project was regarding the references and citation part was the time-consuming part for the completion off final report in IEEE format. May 30, 2021 The results involves the completion of the final report in IEEE format with proper formatting of the report. Yes

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