ETL503 Assessment 2 Part B: Reflective practice

The Role and Nature of School Library Collections  ETL503 Resourcing the Curriculum has been the most useful subject in the Master of Education (Librarianship) degree that I’ve completed so far. Whilst

ETL503: Module 2.1 Professional Reflection

Professional Reflection  Think about responsibility for resource selection.  You may like to use one or more of the following questions to write some blog posts. Discuss how the teacher librarian’s

ETL503: Module 2 AITSL standard 3.4 Select and Use Resources

Lead Model exemplary skills and lead colleagues in selecting, creating and evaluating resources, including ICT, for application by teachers within or beyond the school. Advise on and administer Booklist texts

ETL533 Assessment 4 – Part D Critical Reflection

CRITICAL REFLECTION I find the question of how my views, knowledge, and understanding of my work as an education professional in digital environments incredibly hard to answer with any sort

Are school librarians an ‘endangered species’? (Bonanno)

Well, I hadn’t thought about many of the points raised by Karen for quite some time. The Five Finger Advocacy model has been doing the rounds for a while now.

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