1. The School Library Collection – S-ETL503_202330_W_D … (csu.edu.au)
Module 1.2
TLDR: Collection Management is an umbrella term for the multitude of actions taken in a library, of which Collection Development is only one aspect and which specifically focuses on the selection and/or acquisition (and deselection) of resources.
Quote from the module:
“…collection development can be confused with collection management. The two terms are often used interchangeably but are two very distinct things. Corrall (2018) discusses collection development and management in such a way that clear differences can be drawn:
Collection development and the related term ‘collection management’ have been defined and described in different ways by academics and practitioners in the field over the years. Despite the confusions and ambiguities evident in the literature, we can identify several recurring themes. Collection development is particularly associated with the selection and/or acquisition of library materials (which can also include the ‘de-selection’ or ‘de- acquisition’ of stock), while collection management is generally seen as a broader term covering the whole range of activities involved in managing access to information resources. (p. 5)
However, researchers and practitioners continue to use the term collection development and the argument for replacing it with collection management is inconclusive; practitioners generally differentiate staff development from staff management, so there is no reason why we should not continue to differentiate developmental and managerial aspects of our work with collections. (p.7)
Furthermore, collection management is more of an umbrella term that “includes collection development and an expanded suite of decisions about weeding, cancelling serials/journals, storage, and preservation. Also of concern in collection management are the organization and assignment of responsibilities for its practice” (Johnson, 2009, p. 1). Budget management, technological management and collection accessibility should also form part of collection management (Van Zijl, 2005).
A key thing to keep in mind out of this definition discussion is that when performing literature searches for this subject a comprehensive search may require use of both terms ‘collection management’ and ‘collection development’.”