Assessment 1 – Part B – Reflection

It’s a long time since I decided to pursue library studies. 30 years in December.

After I finished HSC in 1983 I got into a Fine Art degree at Caulfield Institute of Technology. I loved the practical aspects of the course. Making art in clay, concrete, cold, warm, and hot glass was amazing, but I was not, and am not, an ‘artist’. When I failed Drawing in Sem 1 of third year and dropped out, I was at a loss. No degree, no job, no money.

To earn some cash, I returned to my secondary school to run an activity in Stained Glass (oh, the irony!) and I found that I enjoyed working with young people very much.

I started scouting around for teaching degrees and hit on the B.Ed.(Sec) at MCAE. I applied for mature-age intake and was accepted. But the closer it got to starting, the more I felt like something was not right. I knew that I wanted to be in schools, but I wasn’t sure that I wanted to be in the classroom, especially in secondary. I started to get cold feet and considered withdrawing my offer.

In the week or two before the course began, I was talking to someone (I wish I could remember who!) and said that I was starting a Bachelor of Education. Their response really rocked me – “Of course, you’re doing teacher librarianship.” Incredibly, I hadn’t even considered it, even though I’m a huge reader. I could read before I went to school. I’ve read voraciously my whole life. I adore books and information. I will argue a minor point of information until I’m blue in the face and I love trivia, especially pop culture. Why hadn’t I noticed that there was a Bachelor of Education in Teacher-Librarianship?!

It was blindingly obvious that I’d applied for the wrong course. I knew teacher librarianship was right. It felt like ‘home’. What should I do?! What could I do?!

In the week prior to O-week I rang the head of the teacher librarian course, Allan Thomas, to see if there might be a place available in the B.Ed.(Sec.)-Lib. Allan was kind but unable to help – the course was full but I could ring back later in the week.

I rang Allan every day that week and, on the Friday, he conceded defeat. “You clearly are very keen to get in. You’ve missed O-week but never mind. Come in on Monday next week. I’ll get you sorted then.” I was in!

30 years later, I still love it. Until recently I hadn’t ever been a classroom teacher, and I can safely say that my feelings about that 30 years ago were spot on. It’s not my strong suit and it’s too narrow. Too limited. Teacher librarianship is totally my jam, though. I love finding a book for great readers who need something new. I love finding the right book for ‘non-readers’ to get them started. I love explaining the inquiry process and collaborating with teachers to improve and refine their courses. I love finding resources that support the curriculum. I love working with the library team. That person I spoke to was right – teacher librarianship is the career for me.


  1. Thanks for your post Mif, it was great to read of your first experiences of how you came to teacher librarianship all those years ago. All the best, Liz PS I don’t why all my words are capitalised!!

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