
Are school librarians an endangered species? – That’s up to you!


In Karen Bonanno’s ASLA conference speech in 2011 and her 2015 reflection paper on the role of the teacher librarian (TL), she examines this role as one that is on the precipice of change. She vehemently advocates for the role and its significance in Australian schools. 

My graphic above illustrates Trump & Kiyosaki’s 2011 5 Finger plan to success in their book, The Midas Touch. It also includes my own statement about the TL role, leading the way in establishing a collegial profession, where we build capacity through our own professional learning, reading, practice and dialogue with students, staff and the wider school community as a whole. Set goals and work towards them until you gain success.


Australian School Library Association. (2011). Karen Bonanno, Keynote speaker: A profession at the tipping point: Time to change the game plan. [Video]. vimeo. https :// vimeo .com/31003940

Bonanno , K. (2015). A profession at the tipping point (revisited). Access, 29(1), 14-21.

Trump & Kiyosaki 2011, ‘Guide to developing your Midas touch’, in The Midas Touch, Plata Publishing, Scottsdale, AZ.

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