My Strengths!

Published on Author equinn1989Leave a comment

My Strengths! What an idea to be writting about. If I said I felt comfortable writting this, id’ be lying. I have never felt comfortable in talking about myself or talking myself up, yet it is something we are required to do in order to gain employment. So here is a little about me, I am:

  • a quick learner – that is not to say that once I learn something than I never have to learn it again. Instead, what i mean is that when learning a new skill (particularly in technology) I pick it up quickly and rather intuitively, I have taught myself new things since starting high school. It comes in handed when you need to be able to go away and teach someone else the same skills, however just like everyone else, if I don’t practise of course I lose it.
  • variety of knowledge – I have an interest across many subject areas. Of course I am Ancient History and Studies of Religion trained, it is what I love to do. My research abilities and interests mean that I easily adapt to other subject areas (though currently teaching in English is a bit of a stretch of me). I thoroughly enjoy Science, Technology and Creative Arts, being married to a Maths teacher I have the ability to find answers though without
  • Wiling to learn outside of area – I love learning new things and being able to contribute to others knoweldge and expand my own in areas that I am not used to is an exciting and challenging time.
  • Determined – this one was suggested to me, I can see what they mean, I have a need to forfill requirements and achieve, if I didn’t have this then I wouldn’t have continued my Grad Cert (RE) after having a baby, nor would I have begun this degree (MEd – TL) in order to “remain in the loop and not feel like I am being left behind” (I have since discovered that in some respects I am quite ahead anyway – just a little plug of my ego, I have to, to write a blog)
  • Creative – Oh gosh, now this one I will not hide from. I love being creative, whether it is artistic using paints and canvas or creating programs and lessons for learning, I thoroughly enjoy creating.
  • Research Orientated – I have researched many times over, things that I shouldn’t have needed to, but my own curiosity drives me, compells me to find out more. I can’t just take things as they are or what I am told, I need more information in order to make an infromed decision.
  • Flexible – yes, I am physically flexible, but that is not what I mean here. I mean that I may have an idea of what needs to be done, achieved or undertaken, however I am able to let go and change as needed. Yes, I do stress, however once I get over the initial shock of big things then we mov on. This is not a one track life therefore we can’t be stuck in the same direction, the ability to be flexible allows me to change with the needs of work, the needs of students, the needs of my family and the needs of myself.

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