Determinism, the theory that everything that happens must happen as it does and could not have happened any other way. (Cambridge Dictionary, retrieved from
A new term and a new philosophy! A philosophy that seems to give people no free will or decision making powers. I would rather not see the human race as a helpless being, going through time and space with no input or impact on the process! Not in line with my idea of free will.
The truth is, we are run by the technology and the few among us controlling and developing it. We are exposed to concepts we knew nothing about and never knew we needed. We are convinced we somehow need it, do a complete 360 and can not live without it!
Who could predict Facebook and Google “talk” to each other and show you the things you need because you searched for the product just a few hours earlier? Or that your lights, heating and appliances can be remotely operated? In the future we will be travelling in cars that drive themselves. Is it determinism? Or is it big companies and business pushing these changes along? Do we still have the choice to opt out and go off the grid?
For some the change is great and they can not wait to jump in and experience the thrill of new and exciting technologies. For others it is all moving way too fast and it is hard to keep up with.
Whichever group you belong to, I believe the technology is already a big part of modern life and will only increase its dominance. Better buckle up and hold on tight….
Human beings are, in one way or another, controlled by their devices nowadays. Everything we do in our life is somehow connected to artificial intelligence (AI) Our homes are “smart” so we can turn on our coffee machine in the morning without getting up, our lights and cooling/heating can be remotely accessed and the television knows what we like to watch. Social media has an impact on our every day too. When ‘liking’ a post, page or comment on Facebook, the AI shows us advertising for products we might be interested in, according to our previous ‘likes’.
We are being directed by the technology around us. And most of us don’t mind. It makes life easier, less stressful and it saves time. Our children will not question the way AI enhances their lives because they will not have know any different. Which leads to the question if we want AI to have such a huge impact on our lives? Or is it too late to turn back now?
The ability to study for my Masters and having all the available information IS both a blessing and a curse!
Having access to information about all the subjects I am studying is great! Three of the benefits
– A wide range of diverse sources about the same subject matter
– 24 hour access to any bit of information
– Information from different parts of the world
And having access to so much different information can be daunting. Three of the disadvantages
– Information overload, a lot of information about the same subject matter, trying to figure out what part you need
– 24 hour access to all information and no ‘down’ time
– Information taken out of context, trying to look for the original source can be time consuming
Definition Deep Web
The deep Web, sometimes called the invisible Web, is the large part of the Internet that is inaccessible to conventional search engines. Deep Web content includes email messages, chat messages, private content on social media sites, electronic bank statements, electronic health records (EHRs) and other content that is accessible over the Internet but is not crawled and indexed by search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. Retrieved from
In my own words: The deep web is a part of the internet not accessible through the normal search engines. It can be accessed but not through the search engines the main public uses.
Definition Internet2
Internet2 is a U.S.-based and international nonprofit networking consortium led by researchers, academia and industry/government leaders. Launched in 1996, Internet2 works to advance the development of networking education and global partnering to facilitate innovative Internet technologies.
Internet2 manages the Internet2 Network, a next-generation optical and Internet Protocol network. Internet2 Network is responsible for delivering production network services to fulfill the high-performance requirements of education and research services. It also provides its users with a protected research and network testing environment. Retrieved from
In my own words: Internet2 is an collaboration between universities in the US to develop a high speed internet network to help learning, teaching and networking applications.
Reading the article by Floridi was a step back in time. I grew up in the time when internet was just starting and the phones were the size of a brick. Reading his predictions for the future was quite strange. Floridi had a good understanding how the digital landscape would evolve and change. And has it changed!!!
We now live in the society where Facebook knows your interests and gives you ads to persuade you to buy something you didn’t realised you needed. Where your fridge can order food for you online when you run out of milk or bread. The division between online and offline is slowly crumbling. My children will grow up in a world getting more digitalised and their children will know only a digital world.
The role of the Teacher Librarian was a foreign one when arriving in the NSW school system. Being an overseas trained Primary School teacher, Australian schools seemed like a completely different world to me. In the early years the TL was just another staff member in a vastly different set up of an education system. Coming from a system where there was no library in the school, let alone a TL, it took a while to pick up on the specialist role he/she was playing.
After a couple of years and some varied experiences, the library became more of an intriguing part of the school. I was able to have some days as a casual teacher in the library at multiple schools. The role I was filling seemed a great one. The opportunity to have interactions with all of the children of that particular school was definitely a bonus. The amount of books and resources, the organisation , it was great. The library always seemed filled with exciting displays and activities.
During my travels as a casual (from the Hunter to Dubbo and back again), a librarian became one of my closest friends. Through her I was introduced to the other side of the Teacher Librarianship. The programming for the variety of stages, the way the leadership team views the importance of the library, the resourcing of the library through the limited budgets and fundraising. It has also opened my eyes to the possibilities of a well run, well resourced and well valued library. I was able to do one day a week maternity leave for her for 2 Terms. This gave me insight in the programming and delivering the content, the behaviour management, the circulation of books and so on.
The way the TL works in the school seems to depend of the value the other teaching staff place on them. In some schools the TL runs their own program without much consultation with staff. Other schools see the TL and the time the children spent in the library as an extension of the classroom learning.
The role of Teacher Librarians is not limited to just reading a book to the children and letting them borrow books. TL’s are expected to be leaders, managers, curriculum developers, literature promoters and service providers (School Library Association of South Australia, 2015)
My current position is as a TL in a small country school for 2 days a week. This is even more eye opening….. I am responsible for teaching 8 classes over these 2 days, programming, circulation of books and teacher resources, picking out new resources to update the collection, weed through the collection including the teacher resources, increase the borrowing of students and foster the love for books. I am absolutely loving it and it was the push I needed to start this Masters. I have also joined my local library group, MASLA and several Facebook groups and websites.
My knowledge will continue to grow during this time and I hope to do the profession proud!
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Every time you create an article or take a photograph this is protected by copyright. Copyright protect the work from being reproduced and shared online.
Creative Commons (CC) allows the creator of the work to decide how they want other people to use their creations. A CC license allows you to adapt the work to suit your purpose. It still requires referencing the creator of the work you are using.
The first blog to start of the study to become a Teacher Librarian! A path I wanted to follow for a while but there were some hurdles to overcome…. Being an immigrant from a non-English speaking country I was required to take an English test. After putting this off for a while, an opportunity to be in a library at a primary school pushed me over the line. And here I am!
Currently I am working 2 days per week as a TL in a small country school in the Hunter. I am keen to learn and immerse myself in the subject!