This online journal is to compare and contrast two organizations. one is BHP, which is a world-leading resource company. Its business involves extracting and processing minerals, oil, and gas ( It established its existence on twitter in November 2013.
ALIA refers to the Australian Library and Information Association. It is a peak body for library and information professionals.
The first striking difference is the content. BHP rarely retweet from a second source, most of the tweets are posted by BHP. Most of the tweets are about news, programs from BHP. While ALIA’s account, about half of the tweets are retweeted from a secondary source. they are mainly different types of libraries, such as state libraries, university libraries, and city libraries.
The other pronounced difference between the two is that BHP posted a lot of video content. The video content is mainly related to promoting BHP’s corporate value – safety, gender equality, and contribution to the community. These video tweets work much better than the tweeter with only a picture. The number of likes, retweets and replies is significantly higher than that of the tweets without a video. In contrast, ALIA’s tweets and retweets are mainly picture-based. it rarely posts any video tweets. The average number of likes and retweets are similar. Although BHP has four times more followers than ALIA. This may be caused by the fact that a significant group of BHP’s audience is from a non-English speaking background due to its operations in South America. A lot of picture tweets from BHP are posted twice with English and Spanish. On average, the number of likes every Spanish tweet attracts is about a third of those from an English tweet.
According to Waters (2011), Twitter mainly serves two functions. First, it allows the organization to share information that redirects to other sites through hyperlinks. more importantly, cultivating relationships with stakeholders for its ability to facilitate public conversations. The first relationship is one-way communication. Walters (2011) suggests that for an organization to foster a strong relationship with its stakeholders through engagement and active interaction. a second method to grow the organization’s presence is through retweeting. on this side, ALIA has done a much better job than BHP – about 50% of its tweets are from other libraries.
It is important for the organization to reply to direct messages and publish the reply promptly to address their concerns. ALIA’s tweets rarely attract any replies. it is impossible to evaluate the organization’s effort on this. But on the BHP’s side, on its video tweets, although it normally has from 20 to 50 replies, BHP barely reply directly to any concerns shown in the replies.
Overall, both organisations have shown many good practices in their social networking effort. However, the two-way or multiple way communications are still limited on both organisation’s Twitter platform.
Waters, R.D. & Jamal, J.Y. (2011), Tweet, tweet, tweet: A content analysis of nonprofit organizations’ Twitter updates. Public Relations Review, 37 (3).