This episode intends to help listeners situate the role of the teacher librarian within its historical context. Of particular importance is that listeners understand how the role has changed and how it has stayed the same, and be introduced to some of the key events in the history of teacher librarianship in Australia.
Recorded 30/08/2022
Download the transcript in PDF format here.
Our guest
Our guest for this episode is Associate Professor Mary Carroll.
Mary Carroll is an Associate Professor in the School of Information Studies at Charles Sturt University and a member of the Library Research Group (LRG). She has published in the area of the history of librarianship, vocational education and library education and LIS pedagogy. She is former vice-president of the Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society (ANZHES) and an Associate of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).
Podcast highlights
Mary’s current working context. At 2:32, Mary explains her current role as Associate Professor in the School of Information and Communication Studies at Charles Sturt University.
Mary’s connection with Teacher Librarianship. Mary describes her career as a Teacher Librarian from 3:28.
The importance of history. At 8:03 Mary gives us an understanding of why it is important for Teacher Librarians to know the history of their profession.
The emergence of teacher librarianship in Australia. From 11:50, Mary outlines when Teacher Librarianship began in Australia, and charts its history from the 1800s.
Important events in modern teacher librarianship in Australia. At 31.00, Mary tells us the events of 1968 which led to the formation of the dual qualification for Teacher Librarianship that we have today.
The future for Teacher Librarians. Based on her knowledge of the past, and her experience of the profession, Mary discusses her beliefs about the future of Teacher Librarianship at 33.19.
Further resources:
Access the resources referred to in the podcast and in the timeline below by using the Knowledge Bank of Australian and New Zealand School Libraries (KBANZSL)