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ETL401 Introduction to Librarianship

This is the first subject in the Master of Education Teacher Librarianship.

In this subject students begin to explore the complex role of the teacher librarian and how this role extends into  broader, evolving information landscape. There are many exciting angles to investigate, and a few challenges to negotiate as students engage with major concepts of information, information literacy, inquiry learning and more.

This subject inspires excitement about the many opportunities available for Teacher Librarians (TLs) who are information specialists, lifelong learners, and teachers at heart.

A word about referencing

Generally it is not acceptable to reference the Module material in assessments, as this is a summary of sources; instead, go to the actual source (journal article, book chapter etc) and reference that.

However, as these Podcasts represent a primary source, you are permitted to reference them. If you do wish to reference material from any of these podcasts, please follow the APA7 guidelines for referencing podcasts outlined in the CSU referencing tool. The recording date for each podcast has been added to the relevant page.


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