In this episode we will discuss the management aspects of the TL role with a particular focus on building relationships and managing people. We talk about how the TL must build a strong relationship with their principal or leadership team as well as strategies for leading a library team and managing the expectations and potential misconceptions the community might hold about the TL role and the school library.
Recorded 20/09/2022
Download the transcript in PDF format here.
Our guest
Our guest for this episode is Nell Day.
Nell Day is a Teacher Librarian at the University High School in Melbourne. She has previously worked as a Teacher of Languages and she has experience in teaching in remote settings. The University High School was originally connected to Melbourne University but is now a State High School run through the Department of Education.
Podcast highlights
Nell’s current role and working context. Nell shares her current role at 2:21.
What led Nell to Teacher Librarianship. At 3:41 Nell discusses her path to Teacher Librarianship.
Strategies to build positive relationships with the principal and school leadership team. From 6:26, Nell shares her experiences in working closely with the Principal and her advice as to how to maintain a positive relationship with leadership.
The people management aspects of the TL role. At 14:03, Nell reflects upon situations where she has drawn upon her people management skills and what she has learned through that.
Advice for building relationships with the school library team and beyond. At 19:07 Nell offers advice for building relationships with new teachers and highlighting the TL role within the context of your school.
Further resources:
Another reflection on the important leadership role the TL plays.