Key Speakers 発表者
Listed in order of symposium program:
Professor Kyoko Otani (Nihon Fukushi University)
Kyoko received her PhD from Kwansei Gakuin University. After working as a social worker in psychiatric hospitals and community support centres, she has been involved in social worker training within the university setting.
Her area of interest is social work in mental health. Her research interests include the social worker-client relationship, professional identity, supervision, and reducing stigma against people with mental illness.
Her research achievements are:
Relationships in Social Work: Social worker and a person with mental disability
Social Work Assessment for social workers in mental health
How to Start Supervision: Skills needed for prospective supervisors
スーパービジョンの始め方 スーパーバイザー志望者に必要なスキル
Professor Wendy Bowles (Charles Sturt University)
Wendy is a Professor in Social Work and Human Services and is a Course Director with responsibility for Post Graduate Social Work programs at Charles Sturt University. She began her professional life as a community-based social worker in the disability field in 1980, learning about social justice and human rights. She completed her PhD with the University of New South Wales in 1994; her thesis investigated the quality of life of people with spina bifida as an issue of equality.
Beginning in 1991, Wendy was one of the academics who helped to establish the social work programs at Charles Sturt University. Prior to commencing at Charles Sturt, she taught in social work at the University of New South Wales. Over the years, Wendy has enjoyed a variety of academic positions within the University. She loves teaching, researching, and learning new ways to contribute. In 2022 she completed the Graduate Certificate of Wiradjuri Language, Culture and Heritage with Charles Sturt University. She has co-written 2 books, many papers and book chapters and, together with colleagues, has supervised 12 Doctoral and 14 Masters students to graduation.
Ai Urano (Nihon Fukushi University)
After graduating from the Department of Social Welfare, Doho University, Ai Urano worked as a caregiver. In 2002, she joined Rescue Stock Yard, an approved specified non-profit organisation specialising in disaster relief, where she is currently the Executive Director. She has been involved in more than 50 disaster relief projects and is involved in activities based on the themes of disaster relief, disaster prevention, and welfare. She is a Certified Social Worker and will receive her Master’s degree from Nihon Fukushi University’s Graduate School of Health and Social Services Management in March.
Yoshinori Hirasaka (Nihon Fukushi University)
Mr Yoshinori Hirasaka has completed a Master’s program in Welfare Management, from the Graduate School of Social Welfare, Nihon Fukushi University. He is currently the Executive Director of the Mizuho Council of Social Welfare, Nagoya City; and is a Certified Social Worker, Certified Mental Health Social Worker, and Certified Care Worker.
He has been involved in the promotion of community welfare activities and volunteerism as a community worker in urban areas and has tackled the issue of social isolation. He is currently also working in the area of eco-social work.
Associate Professor Karen Bell (Charles Sturt University)
Karen is an Associate Professor of Social Work at Charles Sturt University, Australia. She co-leads two university research groups – the Environmental and Social Justice group and the Future of the Professions research group.
Karen has been a social work academic since the early 1990s and she enjoys working with students at all levels of study – from under-graduate to post-graduate levels. She coordinates the Bachelor of Social Work Honours and Master’s research dissertation subjects, and she supervises several candidates in the Doctor of Social Work and the Doctor of Philosophy programs.
Karen’s extensive record of research and publication reflects her expertise in the philosophy of social work and post-conventional theory in relation to professional practice, qualitative research, gender, and environmental justice. Karen’s current research collaborations include projects on disaster resilience in community service organisations, professional identity, interprofessional practice, gender, social work in libraries, international education, and research capacity-building.
Dr Bernadette Moorhead (Charles Sturt University)
Dr. Bernadette Moorhead is a senior lecturer in social work and human services at Charles Sturt University, Australia. Bernadette is passionate about teaching and researching early-career social work and professional identity. Bernadette teaches a range of social work subjects, including advanced theory, and theory and practice subjects. Bernadette also leads an international team of researchers who examine professional identity in social work. Bernadette combines these passions into an educational podcast series called the Social Work Café, where she interviews social work practitioners, educators and researchers about their unique contribution to the profession.
バーナデット・ムーアヘッド博士は、オーストラリアのチャールズ・スタート大学でソーシャルワークとヒューマンサービスの上級講師を務めています。バーナデットは、ソーシャルワークの教育や研究、専門家としてのアイデンティティについて熱心に取り組んでいます。上級理論、理論と実践の科目など、さまざまなソーシャルワークの科目を教えている。また、ソーシャルワークにおける専門職のアイデンティティを研究する国際的な研究チームを率いています。バーナデットは、これらの情熱をSocial Work Caféと呼ばれる教育用ポッドキャストシリーズに結集し、ソーシャルワークの実践者、教育者、研究者に、専門職への独自の貢献についてインタビューを行っています。
Dr Peta Jeffries (Charles Sturt University)
Peta’s transdisciplinary teaching, learning and research in critical Indigenous studies is grounded by the understanding that environmental justice or sustainability cannot be achieved without social and economic justice. With the view that a sustainable future, adaption to climate change, and resilience cannot be improved without addressing systemic and environmental racism, Peta’s research considers the intersections of colonialism as a form of disaster and trauma informed practices or methods that promote healing and resilience.
Therefore, the aim and purpose of her ethnographic histories, social work, teaching and learning and art practice are to increase awareness of multispecies co-production and co-construction of social and ecological knowledges as way to support intercultural and intracultural competency, humility, accountability, leadership, responsiveness, and integrity. Peta’s teaching and research interests are motivated by lived experiences; First Nations peoples sovereignty; multispecies justice; supporting diverse learners to become culturally competent and resilient ecological citizens; and embodying trauma informed, transformative and inclusive teaching and learning, research and practice.
Associate Professor Heather Boetto (Charles Sturt University)
Heather is an Associate Professor at Charles Sturt University, Australia. Her area of interest is in Environmental Social Work, also known as EcoSocial Work and Green Social Work. This area of knowledge involves helping people to create and maintain a healthy and biodiverse ecosystem, recognises the interdependence between environmental and human wellbeing, and is concerned with injustice caused by the unfair distribution of environmental risks. Heather has been internationally recognised for her research in disaster practices and Environmental Social Work. She is an integral member of various research teams and has experience leading innovative community-based research projects.
Heather teaches in the social work programs at Charles Sturt University. She is passionate about supporting students through their studies and teaches at all levels, including undergraduate and post graduate levels across online and face-to-face modes. Heather has been particularly involved in an innovative team to develop social work curriculum pertaining to disaster practices and Environmental Social Work.
Heather Boetto准教授(チャールズ・スタート大学)
Cassandra Fletcher (Charles Sturt University)
Cassandra is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker. Cassandra began her social work career as a hospital Social Worker in NSW Department of Health, then moved to Department of Violence Prevention and Women’s services in the role of sexual assault counsellor which she held for 8 years. Three years ago Cassandra resigned from her role in NSW Health and opened her private practice.
Cassandra completed Master of Social Work (Advanced Practice) in 2017 completing her Thesis ‘Support systems after a sexual assault for adults with intellectual disabilities and adults without intellectual disabilities’. She has co-authored a peer reviewed journal article ‘The healthy tribe: An oral health project with Aboriginal school children’. Cassandra lives and works in a rural coastal area of NSW within walking distance to beaches and bush tracks where she will often work with clients as part of nature therapy.
カサンドラは、2017年に「知的障害のある大人と知的障害のない大人の性的暴行後のサポートシステム」という論文を完成させ、ソーシャルワーク修士号(上級実践)を取得しました。 彼女は、ピアレビューされたジャーナル記事「The healthy tribe」を共著しています。アボリジニの学校の子供たちとの口腔衛生プロジェクト」。カサンドラは、ニューサウスウェールズ州の海岸沿いの田舎に住み、ビーチやブッシュトラックまで歩いて行ける距離で仕事をしており、自然療法の一環としてクライアントと一緒に仕事をすることが多い。
Professor Risako Komatsu (Nihon Fukushi University)
Risako received her PhD from Toyo University. Her areas of interest are community development and community care. Her research focuses on international comparisons of elderly care systems, and she is trying to identify the characteristics of community care in Japan. She is working on community care in areas with declining populations.
Her research achievements are:
Challenges and prospects for community welfare
Life support theory in an era of declining population
Life support services and social capital: Do life support services foster social capital?